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AgilePM-Practitioner Agile Project Management (AgilePM) Practitioner Exam Question and Answers

Question # 4

There are several tests planned throughout the project to ensure the solution is fit for purpose and to validate the business solution as

it evolves.

Column 1 is a list of tests. For each test in Column 1, select from Column 2 the testing concept that it represents. Each selection from Column 2

can be used once, more than once or not at all.

Column 1

1) In order to get an objective

view, the financial transaction

function is to be tested by

someone from Finance who

has had no involvement in its


2) Before the developer works on

the printing function for the

policy documents, the Sales

Manager will review a prototype

of the online application form

for the new coffee shop

insurance product with the

solution tester.

3) Security test scripts have been

provided by the company's

bank. These scripts will be used

to test the link from the

company's website to the

banking system, which is to be

developed specifically to achieve these tests


The addition of the new coffee

shop insurance product may

threaten the stability of the

existing website. As a primary

route to market this is

unacceptable. The website's

capacity to run additional pages

is to be verified before any

other tests are performed.


The Must Have and Should

Have requirements are to be

tested before the Could Have


Column 2

    Collaborative Testing

    Repeatable Testing

    Independent Testing

    Prioritised Testing

    Test-Driven Development

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Question # 5

The building has had all the old utility services removed and new wiring and plumbing is being installed during Evolutionary Development. On average there are

four electrical and six plumbing contractors who are engaged for between a few days and a few weeks. They are finding it difficult to work round each other and

to know who should be where. Some of the contractors have started to turn up late to the site.

Many floor boards have been lifted in preparation but it is not clear where the radiators are being situated or when each room is going to be worked on by the plumbers. The

Chief Accountant, acting as Business Ambassador, is also alarmed that the electrical sockets are being installed in rooms in inaccessible locations.

Answer the following questions about motivating the contractor teams according to Agile Project Management.

How should the Project Manager encourage the resources to operate more successfully?


Facilitate a workshop with the Solution Development Team to establish a co-ordinated Timebox Plan.


Hold a separate Daily Stand-up meeting for contractors only.


Provide a detailed plan of activity for each contractor team.


Schedule the electrical and plumbing teams so that they work on different Timeboxes.

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Question # 6

If the team cannot agree the system content, which 2 actions should the Workshop Facilitator take?


Present own interpretation of what the system should include.


Present the group with a predefined specification of what should be included.


Facilitate the creation of a list of actions to be carried out after the workshop, to resolve the issue.


Agree to disagree, and close the workshop acknowledging that all participants are entitled to their own view.


Prepare a report describing the outcome of the workshop.

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Question # 7

Answer the following question about how risks will be reduced on the Hoy Hall Hotel project through successful application of the DSDM Principles.

Column 1 lists a selection of project risks identified on the Hoy Hall Hotel project. Column 2 is a list of the DSDM Principles. For each risk in Column 1, select from Column

2 the DSDM Principle which, if applied appropriately, would MOST help to reduce or mitigate that risk.

Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.

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Question # 8

How should the Project Manager assist the electricians to deliver the wiring?


Provide separate electricians' rooms so they can focus on their work.


Hold a weekly meeting for electricians so they can report on progress.


Encourage the Business Ambassador to be available to discuss location of electrical sockets.


Produce a detailed design of all electrical socket locations, to be approved by the Technical Co-ordinator.

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Question # 9

What action should the Project Manager take regarding the remaining windows?


All requirements that have not been met are automatically carried over to the next increment.


Extend the time allocated to Timebox C, to allow time to complete these.


Insist that all available resources within the Solution Development Team are redirected to this work over the remaining two days.


Decompose the individual elements of work to be completed on the windows and reprioritise them to meet the Minimum Usable Subset.

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Question # 10

Which 2 statements explain why the Architecture Angels' Operations Director would be an appropriate Business Advisor?


Is in charge of providing appropriate scenarios to check the security systems.


Is one of the original four founders of the company.


Can provide input about problems experienced by the people who run the hotels.


Has specialist knowledge about the targets for staff performance.


Has been involved with monitoring the progress of previous company projects.

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Question # 11

Using the Project Scenario and the additional information provided for this question in the Scenario Booklet, answer the following question about the

responsibilities of the roles in the Agile team.

Lines 1 to 5 in the table below consist of an assertion statement and a reason statement. For each line identify the appropriate option, from options A to E, that applies.

Each option can be used once, more than once or not at all.


    The Marketing Director, in the role of Business Visionary, is empowered to overrule cost restrictions advised by the Chief Accountant, who is appointed as Business Ambassador.


The Project-level roles are responsible for directing, managing and co-

ordinating the project.

    The Procurement Manager is an appropriate representative of the end user of the solution.


The Business Ambassador should be empowered to make decisions within

the boundaries of their role, without referral to higher authorities outside

the Solution Development Team.

    The other specialist gardening team members from Earth Excavations would be suitable as Solution Developers, assigned alongside the Head Landscape Gardener.


Extra Solution Developers can provide a supporting role for a Lead


    The 'Hoy for Hoy Hall' Action Group members should be assigned as Business Ambassadors.


The Business Ambassador is responsible for ensuring that business needs

are properly analysed.

    The Project Manager should plan the communication needed between the Marketing Director, in the role of Business Visionary, and the 'Hoy for Hoy Hall' Action Group.


The Business Visionary is responsible for promoting the business vision to

all interested parties.

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Question # 12

Which 2 actions should the Team Leader take to implement the new Must

Have requirement?


Consolidate and circulate an agenda for the workshop.


Add the additional tasks required to create the financial transaction

functionality to the Timebox Plan.


Discuss the development interfaces and dependencies with the Solution

Development Team to ensure the associated Timebox is appropriate.


Agree to de-scope Should Have and/or Could Have requirements to allow

for the new Must Have functionality.


Source and hire a web developer with experience in developing online

financial transaction functionality.

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Question # 13

Answer the following questions about the contents of the DSDM


Each of the following questions includes true statements about the project

but only two statements are appropriate entries for the DSDM product


Remember to limit your answers to the number of selections requested in

each question.

Which 2 statements represent appropriate entries for the Business Case?


A list of high-level functional and non-functional requirements that the

project should meet written as User Stories.


Coffee shops that sell Fairtrade products and alcohol from local breweries

out perform other coffee shops in the market.


The Sales Manager has been asked to produce a report within the next

two days showing the number of generic insurance policies sold to coffee

shops over the past three years.


The Sales Manager has calculated that the new coffee shop insurance

product will increase revenues by 10% each week.


Market research shows that the number of coffee shop patrons taking

legal action against retailers has increased by 200% over the past two


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Question # 14

Answer the following questions about actions to be taken by different


The Business Sponsor has decided that the new coffee shop insurance

product website pages will include the financial transaction functionality to

support the end-to-end sales process. The Business Sponsor views this as a

valuable sales tool, enabling customers to pay for insurance policies online. If

successful, this new financial transaction functionality is to be made available

across all other insurance products. This is a new Must Have requirement.

All parties are to be invited to a workshop to discuss the additional work

required to deliver the required solution including the new Must Have

requirement. The areas to be discussed include specialist skills required and

possible legal, financial and technical standards to be adhered to.

Remember to limit your answers to the number of selections requested in

each question.

Which 2 actions should the Business Sponsor take to implement the new Must

Have requirement?


Check for any documented standards which need to be applied to the

development of online financial transaction functionality.


Check the viability of the project, following the inclusion of the new Must

Have requirement.


Source and hire a web developer with experience in developing online

financial transaction functionality.


Send a company-wide communication to explain the implications of the

business change to all interested parties.


Assess the impact of the new Must Have requirement on the original

Business Case.

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Question # 15

Which 2 statements represent appropriate entries for the plan for Post-Project



The Sales Manager will create a company-wide email showing the

number of policies sold weekly by each of the sales assistants.


Before the product is deployed, the Sales Manager will circulate a copy of

the revised sales procedure for processing coffee shop insurance sales.


The Project Manager will attend Daily Stand-up meetings to observe



A report showing the number of application forms completed online

through the website for coffee shop insurance policies will be produced



Once the new system has been deployed, the time it takes to process

sales online will be compared with the time it takes to process new

policies sold through telephone sales.

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Question # 16

Which 2 actions should the Project Manager take to implement the new Must

Have requirement?


Check for any documented standards which need to be applied to the

development of online financial transaction functionality.


Add the tasks required to develop the new financial transaction

functionality to the Delivery Plan.


Update the Delivery Plan to show the new financial transaction

functionality as a deliverable.


Source and hire a web developer with experience in developing online

financial transaction functionality.


Consolidate and circulate an agenda for the workshop.

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Question # 17

The Solution Development Team are progressing through the first Structured


What should the Project Manager do to lead the team at this time?


Maintain a tight control on progress, recording all discussions and making

all decisions.


The Project Manager should do nothing during a Timebox.


Attend the Daily Stand-up and discuss any problems at the end.


Update the Team Board with a summary of team progress and the current

status of work.

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Question # 18

Which 2 statements represent appropriate entries for the Prioritised

Requirements List?


Creation of a new coffee shop insurance product on the existing website

is expected to increase the insurance company's revenues by up to 10%

per week.


All correspondence sent to coffee shop owners by the new system should

contain the XAN logo in the top left hand corner of the page.


Further website developments to allow existing customers to access

services online are NOT to be included within the scope of this project.


The Business Visionary will provide a formal acceptance of the coffee

shop insurance product.


An assessment will be made of the effectiveness of the techniques used

on the project, in line with the principles of Agile Project Management.

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Question # 19

Time is running short and the Must Have requirements for the data entry screen

of the web page, as recorded in the Prioritised Requirements List, are not going

to be completed on time.

What action should the Project Manager take?


Change the end date of the Timebox.


Ensure that this issue is escalated to the project level roles.


Amend the end date in the Delivery Plan.


Accept that the Must Have requirements will not be delivered on time.

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Question # 20

A difference of opinion on the outcome of an earlier project has created a

'them and us' culture between the Sales Department and the Operations


What action should the Project Manager take to resolve this?


Allow the different skillsets to work independently of one another so as

not to create further conflict.


Brief the team and the Business Visionary on the use of an Agile Project

Management approach and the requirement to collaborate.


Appoint only those members of staff who are prepared to work



Circulate a copy of the Business Case to all members of the Solution

Development Team and project-level roles and invite feedback.

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Question # 21

Column 1 is a list of individuals from within the Xan Insurance Company

and their key responsibility within the Web project.

For each individual in Column 1, select from Column 2 the Agile Project

Management team role they are fulfilling. Each selection from Column 2 can

be used once, more than once or not at all.

Column 1

Manager of Web & Digital

Media - will oversee and report

progress on the delivery of the

overall system.

Finance Director - has

budgetary control and will

release finance for the project

subject to expected benefits.

Sales Manager - will formulate

design options for new

business processes that do not

adversely affect business as


Operations Manager - oversees

the design and integrity of the

technical aspects of the


Column 2

    Business Sponsor

    Business Analyst

    Business Ambassador

    Business Advisor

    Solution Developer

    Technical Coordinator

    DSDM Coach

    Project Manager

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Question # 22

Resources are limited. The Sales Manager has two marketing assistants who

may be able to give a few hours a week between them to the project.

What action should the Project Manager take?


Try to secure formal agreement as to how many hours per week the

marketing assistants will spend on the project.


Accept that members of the Solution Development Team will be



Make each Timebox as long as possible to ensure the marketing

assistants have enough time to complete any work allocated to them

within the boundaries of the Timebox.


Schedule the two marketing assistants to work at different times so they

can hand matters over to one another.

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Question # 23

The Marketing Director has insisted that detailed requirements for the new

coffee bar insurance web pages should be clearly defined in the early phases

of the project.

What action should the Project Manager take?


Refuse to discuss any detailed requirements in the early phases.


Agree to document the finite details of each requirement to ensure the

web developers can accurately estimate the effort required to fulfil them.


Hold an early discussion to the level of detail necessary to establish a

shared understanding of what is required.


Capture the Marketing Director's requirements in detail but leave the

input of others until later in the project.

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