Pre-Summer Special Limited Time 65% Discount Offer - Ends in 0d 00h 00m 00s - Coupon code: myex65


Myexamcollection provides excellent quality products designed to develop a better understanding of actual exams that candidates may face. We highly recommend that you try a "demo" of every product that we provide "free of cost" so that you always remain sure of what you are buying.

In order to further increase buyer's confidence, we provide Money Back Guarantee - in case you prepare with our products and do not pass the examination. We will refund your full payment, no questions will be asked.

We so thoroughly believe that our provided material works; we offer you a 100% money-back guarantee. If, after using our preparation material, you do not see results, we WILL refund your money in full. No questions asked.

However it should be noted that this "Guarantee" is to make sure that myexamcollection products do not contain any flaws in them, and we deliver what is promised. It is obvious that we cannot be held responsible for mistakes committed by the candidate e.g. no attempting the exam. Hence, in order to save ourselves from fraudulent re-fund claims and to serve our loyal customers perfectly, we have created a policy in this regard and we would like to share it openly with all our customers and visitors because it is for your own best interest.

Payment Refund Procedure

Our "payment refund procedure" is quite simple and we will require the following information from you:

It will be a repayment of the funds or you will be advised to procure a new product that may help you to pass your exam. We'll refund your money within 7 business days.

Payment Refund Policy

In order to save ourselves from scammers and continue this Money Back Guarantee for loyal cus-tomers, we do want to make sure that: