According to theInstitute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP),duloxetineis at risk of being confused with the generic name for:
Which of the following medications is an anticonvulsant used in the prophylaxis and control of various types of seizures?
According tofederal law, aSchedule III narcotic drug prescriptionmay be filled a maximum of how many times?
A patient presents the following prescription:
Lisinopril 20 mg tablets
Take 1 tab PO q8h
#30 with 12 refills
In order to fill this prescription, the pharmacy must clarify the:
Which of the following is considered a high-alert medication in some settings because it is an antiretroviral agent?"
And provides these options:
According to federal law, the transfer of an eligible Schedule III controlled substance prescription must be communicated directly between:
According tofederal law, records regarding thedistribution, receipt, or destructionofcontrolled substancesmust be maintained for a minimum ofhow many years?
Which type of formulation delays release until the medication has passed through the stomach and into the intestine?
Pharmacy staff should always visually inspect nonsterile compounds for which of the following signs of incompatibility?
If atoxic materialcomes in contact with theskin or eyes, the immediate response should be to:
According to theInstitute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP),the abbreviation"HCTZ"forhydrochlorothiazidemay be misinterpreted as:
Of the following, the most appropriate long-term storage condition for varicella vaccine is:
A patient fills a prescription for a 30-day supply of amlodipine 10 mg. Two days later, the patient brings in a prescription for diltiazem 30 mg from their primary careprovider. Which of the following rejection messages is the pharmacy technician most likely to receive?
Eliquis is considered ahigh-alert medicationbecause it can cause potentially fatal:
It would be most appropriate to dispose of which of the following medications as hazardous waste?
A prescription specifiesalbuterol (containing 200 MDI) at 2 puffs q6h PRN.The medication will last a minimum of:
A local provider has written the following compounded prescription for a patient:
Zinc oxide ointment 20% 60 g
Nystatin ointment 100,000 units/g 60 g
Hydrocortisone ointment 1% 60 g
Cholestyramine powder 10 g
Mineral oil USP 10 mL
Total Weight 200 g
Which of the agents listed is an antifungal agent?
Which of the following isleast likelyto causesignificant patient harmif used in error?
According to federal law, a prescription for a Schedule IV controlled substance may be refilled a maximum of:
Which of the following should be included in theadministration instructionsforalendronate?
According to USP, which of the following may be used todecontaminate human skin?
Which of the following should be a characteristic of a successfulroot-cause analysis (RCA)used to investigate a significant medication error?
A prescription calls foramoxicillin 500 mg PO t.i.d.Which of the following must be provided by the prescriber in order for the prescription to be filled?
According toUSP Chapter 800, a reusable counting tray used to count outcyclophosphamidecapsules must be:
An order for furosemide 120 mg IV STAT will be dispensed using furosemide 40 mg/2 ml. What volume, in ml of the stock injection will be required to deliver the requested dose?
According to NIOSH, pharmacy staff should wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when handling crushed or broken tablets of:
Which of the following is an OTC medication indicated to treat motion sickness?
A pediatric patient weighing 17 kg requires gentamicin at 2.5 mg/kg. What volume, in mL, of solution containing 20 mg/mL should be administered?
During medication order entry, a pharmacy technician should consult a pharmacist:
While compounding anonsterile preparation, physical incompatibilities may be avoided by following the specific mixing instructions found in the:
A pharmacy technician discovers that a shipment received today containsexpired medications. Of the following, it would be most appropriate for the technician to first:
Which two medications are considered look-alike/sound-alike when written as their brand names?
A pharmacy technician should notify a pharmacist when a refill of sertraline is requested if the patient:
Adult and pediatric strengths of the same vaccine are often packaged similarly.As a safety precaution, theCDCrecommends that pharmacies do which of the following?
Which of the following medications is indicated to treat mild, moderate, or severe dementia of the Alzheimer type?
According to the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP), which of the following is an approved abbreviation?
The oral liquid formulation of which of the following medications must be stored in the refrigerator?
Which of the following medications is subject to aREMS programdue to the risk ofembryo-fetal toxicity?
Famotidine oral suspensionremains stable for a maximum of how many days following reconstitution?
Whichvitaminshould be takenbefore and during pregnancyto help avoidneural tube defects?
Addyi is subject to a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) program because it:
A prescription foracetaminophen 325 mg tabletswas inadvertently filled withacetaminophen 500 mg tablets, but the verifying pharmacist caught and corrected the mistake before dispensing. It would be most appropriate to report this situation as a(n):