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OGEA-103 TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Combined Part 1 and Part 2 Exam Question and Answers

Question # 4


Consider the illustration showing an architecture development cycle Which description matches the phase of the ADM labeled as item 2?


Conducts implementation planning for the architecture defined in previous phases


Establishes procedures for managing change to the new architecture


Operates the process of managing architecture requirements


Provides architectural oversight for the implementation

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Question # 5

Which ADM phase focuses on defining the problem to be solved, identifying the stakeholders, their concerns, and requirements?




Preliminary Phase




Phase A

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Question # 6

You are working as an Enterprise Architect within an Enterprise Architecture (EA) team at a multinational energy company. The company is committed to becoming a net-zero emissions energy business by 2050. To achieve this, the company is focusing on shifting to renewable energy production and adopting eco-friendly practices.

The EA team, which reports to the Chief Technical Officer (CTO), has been tasked with overseeing the transformation to make the company more effective through acquisitions. The company plans to fully integrate these acquisitions, including merging operations and systems.

To address the integration challenges, the EA team leader wants to know how to manage risks and ensure that the company succeeds with the proposed changes. Based on the TOGAF Standard, which of the following is the best answer?


The EA team should create a Business Scenario to fully describe the business problem that is being addressed by the transformation. Once requirements are identified, they should be evaluated in terms of risks. Any residual risks should be escalated to the Architecture Board.


The EA team should develop Business Architecture views that demonstrate how stakeholder concerns are addressed and assess each factor for readiness, urgency, and degree of difficulty.


The EA team should evaluate the company’s readiness for change by identifying factors that will impact the transformation. These factors will be used to determine initial risks associated with the initiative.


The EA team should document the risks associated with the transformation in an Implementation Factor Catalog to inform decisions during implementation and deployment.

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Question # 7

You are working as an Enterprise Architect within the Enterprise Architecture (EA) team at a healthcare and life sciences company. The EA team is developing a secure system for researchers to share clinical trial information easily across the organization and with external partners.

Due to the highly sensitive nature of the information, each architecture domain must consider privacy and safety concerns. The healthcare division has been directed to minimize disruptions to clinical trials while introducing the new system gradually.

How would you identify the work packages for introducing the new system? Based on the TOGAF standard, which of the following is the best answer?


Use a Consolidated Gaps, Solutions, and Dependencies Matrix to create work packages and sequence them into Capability Increments. Document in a Transition Architecture State Evolution Table.


Identify Solution Building Blocks for development or procurement, then use a CRUD matrix to rank and select the most cost-effective work packages. Schedule the rollout sequentially across regions.


Use a Consolidated Gaps, Solutions, and Dependencies Matrix to classify each solution, group them into work packages, then regroup into Capability Increments. Document in an Architecture Definition Increments Table.


Draw up an Implementation Factor Catalog to indicate actions and constraints. Use a Consolidated Gaps, Solutions, and Dependencies Matrix, then group similar activities into work packages and identify dependencies.

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Question # 8

Consider the following statement:

According to the TOGAF Standard a governed approach of a particular deliverable will ensure a system of continuous monitoring to check integrity changes decision-making and audit of all architecture-related activities

Which deliverable is being referred to?


An Architecture Contract


The Architecture Definition Document


The Architecture Vision


The Statement of Architecture Work

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Question # 9

Complete the following sentence. In the ADM documents which are under development and have not undergone any formal review and approval process are_______________.


Called ‘’draft’’




In between phases


Known as ‘’Version 0.1’’

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Question # 10


Consider the illustration. What are the items labelled A, B, and C?


A-Enterprise Repository, B-Governance Repository, C-Board Repository


A-Architecture Repository, B-Governance Repository, C-Architecture Capability


A-Architecture Repository, B-Governing Board, C-Enterprise Capability


A-Enterprise Repository, B-Board repository, C-Enterprise Capability

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Question # 11

What are the four architecture domains that the TOGAF standard deals with?

    Business, Data, Application, Technology

    Capability, Segment, Enterprise, Federated

    Baseline, Candidate, Transition, Target


Application, Data, Information, Knowledge

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Question # 12

Complete the sentence The purpose of Enterprise Architecture is to_______________.


take major improvement decisions


control the bigger changes


guide effective change


govern the stakeholders

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Question # 13


Consider the illustration showing an architecture development cycle Which description matches the phase of the ADM labeled as item 1?


Conducts implementation planning for the architecture defined in previous phases


Provides architectural oversight for the implementation


Operates the process of managing architecture requirements


Establishes procedures for managing change to the new architecture

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Question # 14

Please read this scenario prior to answering the question

You are the Lead Enterprise Architect at a major agribusiness company. The company's main harvest is lentils, a highly valued food grown worldwide. The lentil parasite, broomrape, has been an increasing concern for many years and is now becoming resistant to chemical controls. In addition, changes in climate favor the propagation and growth of the parasite. As a result, the parasite cannot realistically be exterminated, and it has become pandemic, with lentil yields falling globally.

In response to the situation, the CEO has decided that the lentil fields will be used for another harvest. The company will also cease to process third-party lentils and will repurpose its processing plants. Thus, the target market will change, and the end-products will be different and more varied.

The company has recently established an Enterprise Architecture practice based on the TOGAF standard as method and guiding framework. The CIO is the sponsor of the activity. A formal request for architecture change has been approved. At this stage there is no fixed scope, shared vision, or objectives.

Refer to the scenario

You have been asked to propose the best approach for architecture development to realize the CEO's change in direction for the company.

Based on the TOGAF standard which of the following is the best answer?


You propose that this engagement define the baseline Technology Architecture first in order to assess the current infrastructure capacity and capability for the company. Then the focus should be on transition planning and incremental architecture deployment. This will identify requirements to ensure that the projects are sequenced in an optimal fashion so as to realize the change.


You propose that the team uses the architecture definition document and focus on architecture development starting simultaneously phases B, C and D. This is because the CEO has identified the need to change. This will ensure that the change can be defined in a structured manner and address the requirements needed to realize the change.


You propose that the team focus on architecture definition including development of business models, with emphasis on defining the change parameters to support this new business strategy that the CEO has identified. Once understood, the team will be in the best position to identify the requirements, drivers, issues, and constraints for the change.


You propose that the priority is to produce a new Request for Architecture Work leading to development of a new Architecture Vision. The trade-off method should be applied to identify and select an architecture satisfying the stakeholders. For an efficient change the EA team should be aligned with the organization's planning, budgeting, operational, and change processes.

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Question # 15

Please read this scenario prior to answering the question

You are working as the Chief Enterprise Architect within a law firm specializing in personal injury cases. Many of the firm's competitors have improved their litigation strategies, and efficiency by streamlining their processes using Artificial Intelligence {Al).

The CIO has approved a Request for Architecture Work to examine the use of Machine Learning in defining a new Al-driven litigation and finance process for the firm. This process would instruct the lawyers and analysts as to what tasks and portfolio they should work on. The key objectives are to increase task profitability, maximize staff utilization, and increase individual profitability.

The CIO has emphasized that the architecture should enable the fast implementation of continuous Machine Learning. The solution will need to be constantly measured for delivered value and be quickly iterated to success.

Some of the partners have expressed concerns about letting the Al make the decisions, others about the risks associated with use of it for the type of service they deliver. The CIO wants to know if these concerns can be addressed, and how risks will be covered by a new architecture enabling Al and Machine Learning.

Refer to the scenario

You have been asked to respond to the CIO recommending an approach that would enable the development of an architecture that addresses the concerns of the CIO and the concerns of the partners.

Based on the TOGAF standard which of the following is the best answer?


You recommend that a Communications Plan be created to address the key stakeholders, the most powerful and influential partners. This plan should include a report that summarizes the key features of the architecture reflecting their requirements. You will check with each key stakeholder that their concerns are being addressed. Risk mitigation and agility will be explicitly addressed as a component of the architecture being developed.


You recommend that an analysis of the stakeholders is undertaken resulting in documenting the stakeholders and their concerns in a Stakeholder Map. The concerns and relevant views should then be defined for each group and recorded in the Architecture Vision document. The requirements will include risk mitigation through regular assessments. This will also allow a supervised agile implementation of the continuous Machine Learning.


You recommend that all possible models be created for each candidate architecture that will enable the Al and Machine Learning solution. This ensures that all the necessary data and detail is addressed. A formal review should be held with the stakeholders to verify that their concerns have been properly addressed by the models. Agility will be considered during Phase G Implementation Governance.


You recommend creation of a set of business models that can be applied uniformly across all architecture projects. The stakeholders will be trained to understand the business models to ensure they can see that their concerns are being addressed. Risk will be addressed once the Security Architecture is developed, which will happen later to avoid slowing down the agility required by the CIO.

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Question # 16

Which of the following is a responsibility of an Architecture Board?


Determining the scope of an architecture compliance review


Allocating resources for architecture projects


Conducting assessments of the maturity level of architecture discipline within the organization


Achieving consistency between sub-architectures

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Question # 17

Consider the following statement:

Separate projects may operate their own ADM cycles concurrently, with relationships between the different projects

What does it illustrate?


Implementation governance


Enterprise Architecture




Requirements management

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Question # 18

Consider the following ADM phases objectives.

Which phase does each objective match?









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Question # 19

Which of the following supports the need to govern Enterprise Architecture?


The Architecture Project mandates the governance of the target architecture


The TOGAF standard cannot be used without executive governance


Best practice governance enables the organization to control value realization


The Stakeholders preferences may go beyond the architecture project scope and needs control

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Question # 20

Which of the following describes the practice by which the enterprise architecture is managed and controlled at an enterprise-wide level?


Corporate governance


Architecture governance


IT governance


Technology governance

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Question # 21

Which statement about Requirements Management is most correct?


The purpose of Requirements Management is to process change requests


Stakeholder requirements are captured once in Phase A and managed throughout the ADM cycle


Requirements Management is a step of all ADM Phases


Requirements Management and stakeholder engagement are placed at the center of architecture development

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Question # 22

Which of the following best describes the purpose of the Architecture Roadmap?


It provides for effective communication of the end architecture project to the stakeholders


It is sent from the sponsor and triggers the start of an architecture development cycle


It forms the basis of a contractual agreement between the sponsor and the architecture organization


It lists work packages on a timeline showing progress towards the Target Architecture

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Question # 23

Which of the following describes how the Enterprise Continuum is used when developing an enterprise architecture?


To identify and understand business requirements


To coordinate with the other management frameworks in use


To describe how an architecture addresses stakeholder concerns


To classify architecture and solution assets

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