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ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor QMS ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Exam Question and Answers

Question # 4

You are carrying out an audit at a single-site organisation seeking certification to ISO 9001 for the first time. The organization manufactures cosmetics for major retailers and the name of the retailer supplied appears on the product packaging. Sales turnover has increased significantly over the past five years.

You are interviewing the new Product Development Manager. You note that a software application called SWIFT is used to help control the product development process.

You have gathered audit evidence as outlined in the table. Match the ISO 9001 clause 8.3 extracts to the audit evidence.

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Question # 5

The following are stages of an audit, put them in the order they would be conducted.

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Question # 6

You are a member of the audit team of a second-party audit of an organisation with 625 employees. The audit procedure recommends using sampling criteria which requires the review of the documented competence for 25 personnel. The audit team leader developed an audit plan allocating one hour to audit the Human Resources department (from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm). She told you that she could not allocate any additional time.

What would you do?


Extend the audit until 1.00pm and ask for a quick lunch later.


Plan to review less than 25 cases.


Plan to review as many as possible and see if you can extend the audit duration by one day.


Plan to miss lunch and review as many as possible.

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Question # 7

You are auditing an organisation that has been certificated to ISO 9001 for ten years. The organisation is a privately-owned, multi-site car tyre fitting

organisation. You are auditing one of the sites. You are auditing the car tyre fitting service. You are interviewing the Site Manager (SM).

You: "Would you explain the car tyre fitting service?"

SM: "Of course. Customers typically call us by phone with their requirements. We ask them what they want. We check whether we have the tyres

they need in stock. If we don't have the tyres in stock, we contact our supplier to confirm when they would be able to supply the tyres. We then

determine the cost. We then check what availability we have in our busy schedule to fit the new tyres. We then inform the customer with details of

cost and when we can fit the tyres. If the customer is happy to proceed with the booking, we update our Work Schedule. The same process applies

for customers who walk into our office and for online requests."

You: "What information do you retain should there be a defect reported by a manufacturer of tyres that you have fitted?"

SM: "We maintain records of customer names, addresses and contact phone numbers. We maintain a record of the type of tyre fitted and the tyre

manufacturers batch information. We also maintain a record of the registration numbers of the vehicles we have fitted tyres to. All records are in our

Work Schedule."

Which two of the following options you would take to enable you to gather further audit evidence to validate what the Site Manager

has told you?


Interview a customer to determine how satisfied they are with the service.


Interview a tyre fitter to determine how long they have worked for the organisation.


Interview a tyre fitter to determine the type and batch of each tyre fitted to a car.


Review the training record of the site manager.


Review the Work Schedule dated three years ago and verify what information has been recorded.


Review the Work Schedule for the past three weeks and verify what information has been recorded.

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Question # 8

Which two of the following aspects of a quality management system must the organisation continually improve?













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Question # 9

A small cleaning services organisation is about to start work on a hospital cleaning contract for the local Health Trust. You,

as auditor, are conducting a Stage 2 audit to ISO 9001 and review the contract with the Service Manager. The contract

requires that a cleaning plan is produced.

You: "How was the cleaning plan for the contract developed?"

Service Manager: "We have a basic template that covers the materials, labour requirements and cleaning methods to be

employed. Some of that is specified by the customer."

You: "How does the plan deal with locations like the intensive care wards and the operating theatres, which are included

in the contract?"

Service Manager: "The basic plan covers general wards, but we will do more frequent cleaning in those areas if the

hospital requests it."

You: "Are you aware of the regulatory requirements for cleaning standards in hospitals?"

Service Manager: "No. We depend on the hospital to look after that side of things in the contract."

You decide to raise a non-conformity against section 8.2.2.a.1 of ISO 9001.

You decide to raise another non-conformity against section 8.2.4 of ISO 9001 when finding that the

cleaning plan was amended without the agreement of the Health Trust. A different cleaning chemical was

substituted to that specified in the contract. At the follow-up audit, the corrective action proposed was to

"obtain a concession from the Health Trust for use of the new chemical."

Which one of the following options is the reason why you did not accept this action taken?


Staff have not been trained in the use of the new chemical.


The action assumes that the Health Trust will agree to the change.


The process for making changes to the contract has not been addressed.


The substitute chemical has not been used before in the Health Trust.


The substitute chemical may not be as effective as the original.

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Question # 10

'XYZ' has already sent to you a list with all documented procedures and work instructions related to the services provided to 'ABC' (a quality manual is not included in the list).

To complete the audit planning which additional information would you ask to XYZ to submit? Select four.


XYZ's organisational structure


The quality manual


A description of responsibilities and authorities of the key roles of XYZ


The number of personnel involved in activities related to the quality management system


Information to understand XYZ's operations


The results of XYZ's last internal audit


The results of the last two management reviews

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Question # 11

You are conducting a Stage 1 audit at an organisation that services refrigeration equipment for a large customer base.

The scope of certification is "Provision of refrigeration equipment maintenance and repair services". You are interviewing

the Managing Director to learn more about the organisation and to explore how the requirements for policy, objectives,

and risks and opportunities in ISO 9001 are addressed.

The Managing Director explains that they only use sub-contract refrigeration engineers and do not have any full-time

refrigeration engineers, which helps to optimise overhead costs. The full-time staff employed are essentially a small team

of office staff who process customer enquiries, schedule jobs and process invoices.

The Managing Director adds that the ISO 9001 requirements for competence of personnel extends to both sub-contract

and full-time staff. He also states that the full-time staff are aware of the Quality Policy, objectives and plans to address

risk and opportunities.

You ask if the sub-contract engineers have been informed of the Quality Policy, objectives and plans to address risks and

opportunities, to which the Managing Director replies that this is not applicable as they only use sub-contractors who

operate ISO 9001 certificated quality management systems. The documented information provided to the auditor

confirms this.

Which clause in ISO 9001 is most likely not to have been fulfilled in this instance?


7.2 Competence


7.3 Awareness


7.4 Communication


7.5 Documented information

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Question # 12

A Health Trust has contracted with Servitup, a catering services company that has been certified to ISO

9001 for one year. It provides services to 10 small rural hospitals in remote locations involving the

purchase and storage of dry goods and fresh produce, preparing meals and loading heated trolleys for

ward service by hospital staff. You, as auditor, are conducting the first surveillance audit at one site with

the Deputy Catering Manager (DCM).

DCM: "I apologise for the absence of the Catering Manager. He has called in sick today and we are really

short of staff."

You: "I see. It really shouldn't affect the QMS so the audit can progress as normal."

DCM: "The Catering Manager set up the system. I'm afraid I'm not as familiar with it as he is."

You: "OK, let's start with the Quality Policy. What are the main issues for the QMS here?"

DCM: Give me a minute. I need to look at the Quality Policy on the noticeboard in his office.

You find that two internal audits have been carried out in the first year by the Catering Manager. One of

them indicates that complaints from patients are increasing in number, mainly due to food being served

too cold. The DCM comments that the trolley thermometer is often unreliable.

Which two of the following actions would be "correction" in dealing with the complaints?


Calibrate thermometers more frequently to ensure accuracy of readings for food temperature on

the trolleys.


Keep a spare thermometer in case of a thermometer malfunction.


Monitor and record the temperature of food on the trolleys against defined standards before

release to the wards.


Plug trolleys into ward electricity sockets to heat food to the correct temperature after a patient



Purchase a new thermometer to replace the unreliable one used for the ward trolleys.


Request ward staff to test the temperature of the food on the plates before serving to patients.

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Question # 13

Which two of the following work documents are not required for audit planning by an auditor conducting a certification audit?


A career history of the quality manager


A checklist


A list of interested parties


An audit plan


An evidence sampling strategy


An organisation's financial statement

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Question # 14

You are conducting an audit at a single-site organisation seeking certification to ISO 9001 for the first time. The organisation manufactures cosmetics for major retailers and the name of the retailer supplied appears on the product packaging. Sales turnover has increased significantly over the past five years

You are interviewing the new Product Development Manager. You note that a software application called SWIFT is used to help control the product development process.

You have gathered audit evidence as outlined in the table. Match the ISO 9001 clause 8.3 extracts to the audit evidence.

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Question # 15

ABC is a service organisation that cleans and irons bed and table linen for four large hospitals in the city centre. It claims to meet ISO 9001:2015 requirements. During an internal audit, an auditor observes that

machine No. 4 is being operated with the three variables outside the limits established in the applicable documented procedure SP-701. The auditor has decided to raise a nonconformity.

Which six elements should be included in the nonconformity report?


Condition of the table linens upon receipt from the hospital


Applicable procedure: SP-701


Competence record of the machine operator


Identification number of the washing machine


Manufacturer of the washing machine


Name of the Quality Manager


Number of the production order

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Question # 16

Match the process descriptions below to the process names:

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Question # 17

The following list gives examples of records that may be evidence of how an organisation has fulfilled the requirements of clause 8.4 of ISO 9001. Match the records to the appropriate requirement of clause 8.4.

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Question # 18

During a second-party audit, the auditor examines the records that are available for the external provider, ABC Forgings, to whom manufacturing has recently been outsourced.

There are standard external provider checklists for three competitors for the contract and there are inspection records from the trial manufacturing batches produced by ABC Forgings. There is no documented evidence of the criteria used to confirm the appointment of ABC Forgings, and no contract or terms and conditions. Ongoing monitoring indicates that external provider performance is satisfactory, but no documented information has been retained.

Select two options for the evidence which demonstrates a nonconformity with clause 8.4 of ISO 9001.


There was no documentation which provided evidence of any monitoring of the external provider.


The auditee required the outsourced products on an urgent basis before the completion of the paperwork.


The auditee did not retain documentation on the selection and evaluation of the external provider.


The external provider asked for the contract details to be verbal only.


There were no receipt inspection records of the incoming materials.


The auditee trusted the external provider because of a long-standing relationship with them.

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Question # 19

In the context of a third-party certification audit, how can the auditor demonstrate confidentiality? Select two.


Adhere to the CQI Professional Code of Conduct.


Confirm the confidentiality arrangements with the auditee regarding the use of mobile devices/cameras.


Discuss sensitive personal information with the guides appointed by the auditee.


Remove audit evidence without the permission of the auditee.


Share audit conclusions with competitor organisations.

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Question # 20

You work for an organisation, 'A', which provides packaged food to the public. You are asked to lead a team (you as the leader and two other

auditors) to audit a supplier, 'B', which provides packaging materials to your organisation. It is 4 p.m. and the audit is close to an end; you are having

an internal meeting with the team to decide what will be presented to the auditee during the Closing meeting. The Closing meeting was scheduled

for 5 p.m.

You, as audit team leader, audited top management, the laboratory, and the storage of raw materials.

Auditor 1 audited the two manufacturing lines and dispatch areas.

You to Auditor 1: "What findings would you report?"

Auditor 1: "When reviewing the Dispatch records, I noticed that during the morning two different trucks (Number 011 and 025) delivered the same

batch number of the product (Batch 33555). Truck 011 left the plant at 9.15 am and Truck 025 left the plant at 11.30 am. Procedure P-02 Rev.3 says

that trucks should carry a complete batch. The batch number, once on the truck, is captured using a QR device."

You: "OK, what do you think?"

Auditor 2: "I think that this is a nonconformity."

You: "OK. How would you describe the evidence on which the nonconformity will be based"?

Identify which one of the following statements best describes the identified nonconformity.


Dispatch personnel are not fully aware of the need to conform to written procedures.


Dispatch personnel do not always carry out its activities in conformance with Procedure P-02 rev 3.


The batch 33555 was delivered split in two different trucks (011 and 025).


A product delivered to the client was not identified as required in P-02 Rev 3.

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Question # 21

You work for an organisation, 'ABC', which provides packaged food to the public. You are asked to lead a team (you as the leader and two other

auditors) to audit an external provider, 'XYZ', which provides packaging materials to your organisation. It is 4 pm, and the audit is dlose to an end;

you are having an internal meeting with the team to decide what will be presented to the auditee during the Closing meeting. The Closing meeting

was scheduled for 5 pm.

'XYZ' has two manufacturing lines: M1 is a clean room for primary packaging materials (i.e. will be in direct contact with the food), and M2 is for

secondary materials (i.e. will not be in direct contact with food).

Auditor 1 audited the two manufacturing lines.

You: "What findings would you report?"

Auditor 1: "I have one issue. Earlier today in the morning I saw some secondary material stocked in the clean room. I would propose raising a


You: "How would you write the nonconformity?"

Auditor 1: "In the clean room, there was a pallet with secondary materials."

What additional information would you add to this text to complete the nonconformity report? Select six.


Batch number of the secondary material


Description of any primary material close to this pallet


Description of the ISO 9001:2015 requirement not being complied with and the clause number


Description of the secondary material


Evidence that the secondary material was approved ready to be used


More information in the place within the clean room where secondary material was found


Name of the forklift driver that was moving the pallet

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Question # 22

An internal auditor of a manufacturer of polystyrene packaging products for the electronics industry raised a nonconformity against

section 10.3 of ISO 9001 in Report IA202. The nonconformity (NC 3) stated:

"The reject rate of 'finished' product of 9.7% needs improvement as it doesn't meet the stated objective of top management of 5%."

Just before the Closing meeting of a third-party audit, the audit team leader is invited to a meeting with the Quality Manager. He tells

the audit team leader that a member of the audit team was seen taking photographs of the factory on his phone during the day and

wants him suspended from the Closing meeting with any nonconformities raised by him rescinded. The issue of photographs was not

discussed during the opening meeting.

Select the three options for how the audit team leader might deal with this situation.


Advise the Quality Manager that he, as audit team leader, needs to speak to the auditor about the situation and he will report back to the Quality Manager once this is done


Advise the Quality Manager that the auditor will be reported to Head Office


Apologise for the situation and ensure the Quality Manager that all photographs will be deleted during the Closing meeting


Delay the Closing meeting until the audit team leader has consulted his audit programme manager at Head Office


Insist that the nonconformities must stand since they have been agreed by the team from other evidence gathered


State that the auditor will take no further part in the audit and all his photographs will be deleted

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Question # 23

State the correct sequence of events in the certification process for an organisation to obtain third-party accredited certification to ISO 9001.

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Question # 24

According to the ISO 9001 standard, which one of the following is a defined responsibility of top management?


Communicating the quality objectives needed for the Quality Management System.


Ensuring customer requirements are consistently met.


Establishing the Quality Management System quality policy.


Planning actions to address risks and opportunities.

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Question # 25

An audit team leader arrives at a printing organisation to carry out a Stage 2 audit for a certification body. At a meeting with the Quality Manager, she is told that they have won their biggest contract from a computer

manufacturer to print and compile computer documentation packages. They have leased the unit next door for space reasons but have never worked in this sector before. The Quality Manager wants the ISO 9001

certificate to cover the new contract.

Which one of the options is the correct response by the auditor?


Do you realise that this involves an extension to the scope of the audit and will require an application process?


How can we audit this area when we do not have an IT specialist in the team?


Would you like a separate certificate for the IT packages to show your new client?


Would you mind writing to my programme manager with this request?

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Question # 26

Which two of the following auditors would not participate in a first-party audit?


An auditor employed by an external consultancy organisation


An auditor from an interested party


An auditor trained in-house


An auditor trained in the IRCA scheme


An auditor certified by IRCA


An auditor from a customer

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Question # 27

In the context of a third-party management system certification audit, which two of the following statements are correct?


The purpose of a Stage 2 audit is to certify an organisation to ISO 9001.


The Stage 2 audit must be conducted by auditors who have never worked for the auditee


The purpose of a Stage 2 audit is to evaluate the implementation of the auditee's management system.


A Stage 2 audit evaluates how efficiently the organisation is implementing its management system


The Stage 2 audit cannot include remote access to electronic site(s) that contain information relevant to the audit of the management system.


The Stage 2 audit should include an opening meeting at the start of the audit and a closing meeting at the conclusion of the audit.

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Question # 28

You are conducting an ISO 9001 audit of a Materials Recycling Facility (MRF). The organisation processes

waste plastics into raw materials for plastic bottle manufacturers. You reach the manual picking line where operators are removing contaminant materials from incoming products, such as plastic bags, plastic film and badly contaminated items that would compromise the recycling process. You interview the line supervisor.

You: "Why are these plastic items being rejected at this stage?"

Auditee: "They do not meet our processing standards."

You: "What is the reason for that?"

Auditee: "These items are likely to damage the machinery down the line. They can also compromise our

quality standards. We need to protect our reputation for good quality output materials."

You: "What happens to the rejected items?"

Auditee: "Some get melted down in another process later on and some are disposed of as waste products that cannot be recycled."

You: "What happens to the waste products?"

Auditee: "I'm not sure. I suppose they go to landfill."

Which two. of the following actions would you take to investigate further?


Check the process for handling nonconforming items.


Ask to review the percentage of waste materials.


Find out if operators have regular hearing tests.


Determine what happens to the waste products.


Ask about operator PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).


Determine whether there are quality objectives for reducing rejected material.

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Question # 29

In the context of a second-party audit, match the activity with the party responsible for conducting it.

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Question # 30

The following actions need to be carried out during a third-party audit planning stage. Which two actions correspond to the individual(s) managing the audit program before the involvement of the audit team leader’


Prepare the audit plan


Assign responsibilities within the audit team


Prepare the checklists


Provide the resources needed


Review the reports of previous audits


Select the audit team members

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Question # 31

XYZ Corporation is an organisation that employs 100 people. As audit team leader, you are conducting a

certification audit at Stage 1. When reviewing the quality management system (QMS) documentation, you

find that quality objectives have been set for every employee in the organisation except top management.

The Quality Manager complains that this has created a lot of resistance to the QMS, and the Chief Executive

is asking questions about how much it will cost. He asks for your opinion on whether this is the correct

method of setting objectives.

Three months after Stage 1, you return to XYZ Corporation to conduct a Stage 2 certification audit as Audit

Team Leader with one other auditor. You find that the Quality Manager has cancelled the previous quality

objectives for all employees and replaced them with a single objective for himself. This states that "The

Quality Manager will drive multiple improvements in the QMS in the next year". The Quality Manager indicates

that this gives him the authority to issue instructions to department managers when quality improvement is

needed. He says that this approach has the full backing of senior management. He shows you the latest

Quality Improvement Request that was included in the last management review.

After further auditing, the issues below were found. Select three statements that apply to the term 'audit trail'


Decisions on improvement action timescales not involving departmental managers.


Evaluation of the results of the improvement action not always documented by the Quality Manager.


Limited knowledge of the content of Quality Improvement Requests by departmental staff.


Quality improvements not aligning with the quality policy.


The single quality objective set for the organisation by the Quality Manager.


Top management claim not to be aware of the improvement request (QI/12/20/HR-3) initiated by the Quality Manager.

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Question # 32

XYZ Corporation is an organisation that employs 100 people. As audit team leader, you are conducting a

certification audit at Stage 1. When reviewing the quality management system (QMS) documentation, you

find that quality objectives have been set for every employee in the organisation except top management.

The Quality Manager complains that this has created a lot of resistance to the QMS, and the Chief Executive

is asking questions about how much it will cost. He asks for your opinion on whether this is the correct

method of setting objectives.

Three months after Stage 1, you return to XYZ Corporation to conduct a Stage 2 certification audit as Audit

Team Leader with one other auditor. You find that the Quality Manager has cancelled the previous quality

objectives for all employees and replaced them with a single objective for himself. This states that "The

Quality Manager will drive multiple improvements in the QMS in the next year". The Quality Manager indicates

that this gives him the authority to issue instructions to department managers when quality improvement is

needed. He says that this approach has the full backing of senior management. He shows you the latest

Quality Improvement Request that was included in the last management review.

After further auditing, the issues below were found. Select two statements that apply to the term



No quality objectives planned for the top management team


Decisions on improvement action timescales not involving departmental managers.


Evaluation of the results of the improvement action not always documented by the Quality Manager.


Limited knowledge of the content of Quality Improvement Requests by departmental staff.


Quality improvements not aligning with the quality policy.


Top management claim not to be aware of the improvement request (QI/12/20/HR-3) initiated by the Quality Manager.

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Question # 33

ABC is a fast food shop that receives orders by phone or the internet. The normal menu includes 15 different types of hamburgers; however, in the

last two days, due to a shortage of a special type of meat, they can only prepare six of the 15 varieties.

You are performing a third-party audit of ABC; you observed that the menu offering food on the website is still the normal one, with 15 different

hamburgers. During a 30-minute period, you observed several customers reluctantly accepting other than the hamburger they preferred. You decided

to raise the following nonconformity as follows:

"There is evidence that ABC has not reviewed the ability to provide customers the offered products".

The restaurant manager does not accept the nonconformity. She says that ABC had an extensive training programme for all personnel, which you have already seen when auditing Human Resources. This shortage of some hamburgers cannot be considered a management system failure.

Which one would be your answer from the following options?


I will maintain it open, and I will see what the Certification Body thinks about it.


I will raise it as a major nonconformity and, therefore, cannot recommend certification of the quality management system.


I will raise it as a minor nonconformity; you have the option to appeal to our Certification Body.


You are right, it is not a system failure. I will change the nonconformity to a recommendation, but it will be audited carefully next time.

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Question # 34

Select the phrase that best describes the purpose of a quality management system to ISO 9001 in relation to the performance of an organization.


Manages the performance


Monitors the performance


Dictates the performance


Improves the performance

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Question # 35

Match the process descriptions below to the process names:

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Question # 36

ABC is a worldwide fast-food organisation. One of the branches, in downtown Cape Town, decided to

implement an ISO 9001 quality management system and you are the audit team leader (with two other

auditors) that will carry out the certification audits, Stage 2.

ABC receive the orders by phone or internet; some of the employees deliver the ordered food to indicated

addresses. The normal menu includes 15 different types of hamburgers; however, in the last two weeks,

due to a shortage of a special type of meat, they can only prepare six of the 15 varieties.

During the internal meeting of the audit team, you ask one of the auditors to describe what she has

observed. She audited the reception of orders from customers (via phone or internet) and the

communication of the orders to the kitchen. She noticed that the menu offering food on the website is still

the normal one, with 15 different hamburgers, and during a 30-minute period, she observed many

customers reluctantly accepting something other than the hamburger they preferred.

You, as audit team leader, inform the Quality Manager of your concern about the major nonconformity,

since you consider this a serious breach of the basic principles of quality that lasted two weeks without

action being taken.

Right at the beginning of the Closing meeting, you discuss the nonconformity with the General Manager.

She got quite upset and said she was going to make a complaint to the certification body and left the

room; the Quality Manager was the only member of ABC left with the audit team. The Quality Manager said the General Manager would not come back to the meeting.

What would you do? Choose the best from the following options:


Ask the Quality Manager for a break to discuss the issue with the members of the audit team.


Ask the Quality Manager to listen to the nonconformity the auditor will present and continue with the meeting until its closure.


Inform the Quality Manager that the certification process is put on hold and leave the room.


Inform the Quality Manager that you consider the meeting closed, and that you will report to the Certification Body for instructions.

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Question # 37

You are carrying out an audit at an organisation seeking certification to ISO 9001 for the first time. The organisation offers health and safety training to customers. Training courses are offered either as open courses, delivered at a public venue, or online, or as courses that are tailored to meet specific requirements. The business operates from a single office and those who deliver the training are either full-time employees or subcontractors.

You are interviewing the Training Manager (TM).

You: "What quality objectives apply to the training process?"

TM: "One of the quality objectives we aim for is a 90% minimum exam pass rate for all open training courses."

You: "How do you measure this objective?"

The Training Manager shows you a record on her computer and you see the following:

Which two of the following statements are true?


You would check the training of personnel.


You would determine how the exam pass rate figures were analysed.


You would determine the relative difficulty of each training course by reviewing them.


You would determine what corrective action was being taken to address the low pass rates.


You would raise a nonconformity as a requirement in clause 10.2 has not been fulfilled.


You would raise a nonconformity as a requirement in clause 8.7 has not been fulfilled.

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Question # 38

Select which one of the following statements is true.


The team leader shall be an auditor that is qualified in the scheme.


An audit team can include non-qualified auditors.


A technical expert can replace a qualified auditor on an audit team.


Audits leading to auditor qualification are undertaken annually.

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Question # 39

In the context of a third-party audit, match the event with the responsibility for conducting it.

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