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IIA-CHAL-QISA Qualified Info Systems Auditor CIA Challenge Exam Question and Answers

Question # 4

A bank uses customer departmentalization to categorize its departments. Which of the following groups best exemplifies this method of categorization?


Community, institutional, and agricultural banking


Mortgages, credit cards, and savings.


South, southwest and east.


Teller, manager, and IT specialist

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Question # 5

Which of the following is the most appropriate way to ensure that a newly formed internal audit activity remains free from undue influence by management?


Appoint the chief audit executive as a member of the board.


Adopt written policies and procedures for the internal audit activity, approved by the board.


Ensure the chief audit executive reports administratively to the audit committee.


Establish the internal audit activity's position within the organization in an audit charter

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Question # 6

While auditing an organization's credit approval process, an internal auditor learns that the organization has made a large loan to another auditors relative. Which course of action should the auditor take?


Proceed with the audit engagement, but do not include the relative's information.


Have the chief audit executive and management determine whether the auditor should continue with the audit engagement.


Disclose in the engagement final communication that the relative Is a customer


Immediately withdraw from the audit engagement

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Question # 7

When determining the level of staff and resources to be dedicated to an assurance engagement, which of the following would be the most relevant to the chief audit executive?


The overall adequacy of the internal audit activity's resources


The availability of guest auditors for the engagement


The number of internal auditors used for the previous review of the same area.


The available resources with the specific skill set required

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Question # 8

While conducting an engagement in the procurement department, the internal auditor noticed that the department head’s travel reports showed minor travel expenses, and there were no charges for hotels, meals, or transportation However, the auditor knew that the department head frequently traveled worldwide to meet with suppliers and visit their production sites. Which of the following would be the most appropriate next step for the auditor?


The auditor should make a note of the issue for follow-up when employee travel expenses are audited.


The auditor should analyze trends and changes among the organization's suppliers over the past few years.


The auditor should investigate whether there are any special arrangements regarding senior management travel.


The auditor should analyze the list of destinations the department head visited to estimate typical costs

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Question # 9

A rapidly expanding retail organization continues to be tightly controlled by its original small management team. Which of the following is a potential risk in this vertically centralized organization?


Lack of coordination among different business units


Operational decisions are inconsistent with organizational goals.


Suboptimal decision-making.


Duplication of business activities.

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Question # 10

An engagement supervisor obtains facilities maintenance reports from a contractor during an audit of third-party services. Which of the following is the source of authority for the engagement supervisor to make such contact outside the organization?


The policies and procedures of the internal audit activity.


The provisions of the internal audit charter.


The authority of the CEO.


The IIA's Code of Ethics.

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Question # 11

While reviewing the workpapers and draft report from an audit engagement, the chief audit executive (CAE) found that an Important compensating control had not been considered adequately by the audit team when it reported a major control weakness Therefore, the CAE returned the documentation to the auditor in charge for correction Based on this Information, which of the following sections of the workpapers most likely would require changes?

1.Effect of the control weakness.

2.Cause of the control weakness

3.Conclusion on the control weakness.

4.Recommendation for the control weakness.


1, 2, and 3.


1.2. and 4


1,3, and 4.


2, 3, and 4.

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Question # 12

Which of the following processes does the board manage to ensure adequate governance?


Establish and measure performance objectives for the internal audit activity


Select board members with necessary knowledge and skills.


Develop, approve, and execute the strategic plan of the organization


Develop strategies to mitigate the risks to achieving the organization's objectives

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Question # 13

An internal audit activity maintains a quality assurance and improvement program that includes annual self-assessments The internal audit activity includes in each engagement report a clause that the engagement is conducted in conformance with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards). Which of the following justifies inclusion of this clause in the reports?


Internal audit activity policies and engagement records provide relevant, sufficient, and competent evidence that the statement is correct.


The audit committee has reviewed the annual self-assessment results and approved the use of the clause.


The self-assessment results were validated by a qualified external review team three years prior.


The internal audit charter, approved by the audit committee, requires conformance with the Standards

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Question # 14

An organization has a mature control environment but limited internal audit resources. Given this scenario, on which of the following should the internal auditors focus their testing?


Detective compensating controls


Preventive compensating controls.


Detective key controls.


Preventive key controls

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Question # 15

Which of the following would most likely form part of the engagement scope?


Potential legislation on privacy topics will be employed as a compliance target O Wire transfers that exceeded $10,000 in the last 12 months will be analyzed.


Both random and judgmental samplings will be used during the engagement


The probability of significant errors will be considered via risk assessment.

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Question # 16

Which of the following could increase risks to the organization’s control environment?


Strong board of directors oversight.


Incentive-based compensation structures


Lower than average employee turnover.


Implementation of a fraud hotline

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Question # 17

Which of the following methods is most closely associated to year over year trends?


Horizontal analysts


Vertical analysis.


Common-size analysis.


Ratio analysis.

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Question # 18

Which of the following is most likely the subject of a periodic report from the chief audit executive to the board?


A complete, accurate, and comprehensive account of engagement observations and recommendations.


Oversight of the coordination between the internal audit activity and independent outside auditors


The internal audit activity's purpose, authority, responsibility, and performance relative to plan.


Management's assertions regarding the system of internal controls.

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Question # 19

Which of the following actions would an internal auditor perform primarily during a consulting engagement of a debt collections process?


Reviewing journal entries for accuracy and completeness.


Comparing the policies and procedures to regulatory collections guidance.


Advising management on streamlining the recording of accounts receivable.


Performing a walk-through of the debt collections process to determine whether proper segregation of duties exists

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Question # 20

Which of the following best describes why an internal audit activity would consider sending written preliminary observations to the audit client?


Written observations allow for more interpretation.


Written observations help the internal auditors express the significance.


Written and verbal observations are equally effective.


Written observations limit premature agreement

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Question # 21

For a new board chair who has not previously served on the organization’s board, which of the following steps should first be undertaken to ensure effective leadership to the board*?


Chair should learn the current organizational culture of the company.


Chair should learn the current risk management system of the company


Chair should determine the appropriateness of the current strategic risks.


Chair should gain an understanding of the needs of key stakeholders.

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Question # 22

Which of the following is an example of a properly supervised engagement?


Auditors are asked to keep a daily record of their activity for review by the auditor in charge following the engagement.


The senior internal auditor requires each auditor to review and initial colleagues’ workpapers for completeness and format


A new internal auditor is accompanied by an experienced auditor during a highly sensitive fraud investigation.


The auditor in charge provides reasonable assurance that engagement objectives were met

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Question # 23

According to IIA guidance, which of the following would be the best first step to manage risk when a third party is overseeing the organization’s network and data'?


Creating a comprehensive reporting system for vendors to demonstrate their ongoing due diligence in network operations.


Drafting a strong contract that requires regular vendor control reports and a right-to-audit clause


Applying administrative privileges to ensure right-to-access controls are appropriate


Creating a standing cybersecurity committee to identify and manage risks related to data security.

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Question # 24

According to Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory of Motivation, which of the following factors are mentioned most often by satisfied employees9


Salary and status.


Responsibility and advancement


Work conditions and security.


Peer relationships and personal life

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Question # 25

Following an IT systems audit, management agreed to implement a specific control in one of the IT systems. After a period, the internal auditor followed up and learned that management had not implemented the agreed management action due to the decision to move to another IT system that has built-in controls, which may address this risks highlighted by the Internal audit Which of the following Is the most appropriate action to address the outstanding audit recommendation?


The auditor examines the system documentation of the new system to verify that the risk has been addressed in the new system, then reports to senior management the closure of the issue.


The auditor accepts managements explanation that the previously identified issue is adequately addressed by the new IT system, as management understands the concern and is most knowledgeable about the new system, and closes the outstanding issue.


The auditor advises management that replacing the IT system does not dismiss the prior obligation to implement the agreed action plan, and escalates the issue to senior management and the board.


The auditor requires management to provide details regarding the process for selecting the new IT system and whether other systems were evaluated, and closure of the issue would depend on the new information provided.

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Question # 26

According to IIA guidance, which of the following activities are typically primary objectives of engagement supervision?


Enable training and development of staff, identify engagement objectives, and assign responsibilities to individual auditors.


Identify engagement objectives, assign responsibilities to individual auditors, and approve the engagement program.


Assign responsibilities to individual auditors, approve the engagement program, and enable training and development of staff.


Approve the engagement program, enable training and development of staff, and identify engagement objectives

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Question # 27

According to the IIA Code of Ethics, which of the following is required with regard to communicating results?


The internal auditor should present material information to appropriate personnel within the organization without revealing confidential matters that could be detrimental to the organization


The internal auditor should disclose all material information obtained by the date of the final engagement communication.


The internal auditor should obtain all material information within the established time and budget parameters.


The internal auditor should reveal material facts that could potentially distort the reporting of activities under review

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Question # 28

The audit plan requires a review of the testing procedures used in pre-production of a large information system prior to its live launch. If the chief audit executive (CAE) is uncertain that the current audit team has all the required knowledge to conduct the engagement, which of the following would be the most appropriate course of action for the CAE to take to preserve independence?


Contract with the software vendor to provide an appropriate resource


Ask for a knowledgeable resource from the IT department


Make use of an external service provider.


Request audit resources through the external auditor.

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Question # 29

In which scenario might it be considered problematic for the chief audit executive (CAE) to provide assurance services over the payroll function?


The CAE previously undertook a consulting assignment in that area to improve processes.


A couple of years ago, the CAE performed accounting functions for the payroll department.


Prior to becoming the CAE, the CAE was the payroll manager.


The assurance review was initiated following issues identified during a consulting assignment requested by management.

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Question # 30

An internal auditor is asked to determine why the production line for a large manufacturing organization has been experiencing shutdowns due to unavailable parts The auditor learns that production data used for generating automatic purchases via electronic interchange is collected on personal computers connected by a local area network (LAN) Purchases are made from authorized vendors based on both the production plans for the next month and an authorized materials requirements plan (MRP) that identifies the parts needed per unit of production. The auditor suspects the shutdowns are occurring because purchasing requirements have not been updated for changes in production techniques. Which of the following audit procedures should be used to test the auditor's theory?


Compare purchase orders generated from test data Input into the LAN with purchase orders generated from production data for the most recent period.


Develop a report of excess inventory and compare the inventory with current production volume.


Compare the parts needed based on current production estimates and the MRP for the revised production techniques with the purchase orders generated from the system for the same period


Select a sample of production estimates and MRPs for several periods and trace them into the system to determine that input is accurate

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Question # 31

According to IIA guidance, which of the following statements is true regarding reporting the results of the quality assurance and improvement program?


Results of internal assessments need to be reported to the board at least once every five years.


The external assessor must present the findings from the external assessment to senior management and the board upon completion.


Deficiencies within the internal audit activity must be reported to the board as soon as they are noted


Results of ongoing monitoring of the internal audit activity’s performance must be reported to senior management and the board at least annually

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Question # 32

Which of the following situations is most likely to heighten an internal auditors professional skepticism regarding potential fraud?


A procurement manager does not have the expected academic credentials for his position


A salesperson frequently complains about the organization's policy on sales commissions.


The accounts payable supervisor has requested advances against her monthly salary on several occasions


A financial accountant is absent from work frequently due to regular medical procedures

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Question # 33

Which of the following would most likely be found in an organization that uses a decentralized organizational structure?


There is a higher reliance on organizational culture


There are clear expectations set for employees.


There are electronic monitoring techniques employed


There is a defined code for employee behavior

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Question # 34

Which of the following is the primary engagement responsibility of an entry-level internal auditor?









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Question # 35

According to IIA guidance, which of the following statements is true regarding due professional care?


Internal auditors must exercise due professional care to ensure that all significant risks will be identified.


Internal auditors must apply the care and skill expected of a reasonably prudent and competent internal auditor.


Due professional care requires the internal auditor to conduct extensive examinations and verifications to ensure fraud does not exist.


Due professional care is displayed during a consulting engagement when the internal auditor focuses on potential benefits of the engagement rather than the cost

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Question # 36

If the skills and competencies are not present within the internal audit activity to complete an ad-hoc assurance engagement, which of the following is an acceptable resolution?


Politely decline the engagement due to a lack of qualified staff available at the time.


Complete the engagement as requested, with the best of the current staff’s abilities.


Consider using employees from other departments in the organization on the audit team.


Change the scope of the testing to ensure that only available staff proficiencies are used

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Question # 37

A corporate merger decision prompts the chief audit executive (CAE) to propose interm changes to the existing annual audit plan to account for emerging risks Which of the following Is the most appropriate action for the CAE to take regarding the changes made to the audit plan?


Present the revised audit plan directly to the board for approval


Communicate with the chief financial officer and present the revised audit plan to the CEO for approval.


Present the revised audit plan directly to the CEO for approval.


Communicate with the CEO and present the revised audit plan to the board for approval

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Question # 38

Which of the following statements is true regarding an organization’s inventory valuation?


The valuation will be incorrect if the inventory includes goods in transit shipped free on board (FOB) destination to another organization.


The valuation will be correct if the inventory includes goods received on consignment from another organization.


The valuation will be incorrect if the inventory includes goods in transit shipped FOB shipping point from another organization.


The valuation will be correct if the inventory includes goods sent on consignment to another organization

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Question # 39

Which of the following is a true statement regarding whistleblowing?


Whistleblowing is one of several possible ethical structures an organization can undertake to encourage ethical behavior.


Whistleblowing programs help employees deal with ethical questions and instill ethical values into everyday behavior


Whistleblowers are current or former employees who are disgruntled and looking to retaliate.


Whistleblowers should inform the organization about actual criminal circumstances, not assumed allegations.

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Question # 40

In an assurance engagement focused on the adequacy of organizationwide risk management practices, which of the following best describes a primary area of interest for the engagement?


The effectiveness of process-level and transaction-level controls.


Conflicts of interest within the organizational structure of the senior management.


The alignment of management decisions with the level of risk the organization is willing to accept.


The actions of upper management in response to the internal audit acth/lty's reporting

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Question # 41

Which of the following statements is most accurate with respect to the required elements of the quality assurance and improvement program?


Internal assessments provide sufficient objectivity to provide evidence to the board that the internal audit activity understands the organization's control processes.


Quality assessments focus on the internal audit activity’s structure, relationships withstakeholders, compliance with the Standards, and internal audit staff proficiency.


in order to comply with the Standards, the internal audit activity must obtain an objective assessment of its processes and function at least once a year


Internal auditors completing internal assessments must demonstrate certification to perform quality assessments

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Question # 42

What is the primary reason that audit supervision includes approval of the engagement report?


To ensure the objectives of the area under review are met


To ensure senior management supports the reports conclusions


To ensure report style and grammar are appropriate.


To ensure report findings are substantiated

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Question # 43

According to IIA guidance, which of the following steps should precede the development of audit engagement objectives?


Identification of controls.


Scope establishment.


Risk assessment.


Review of resources.

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Question # 44

An accounts payable clerk has recently transferred into the internal audit activity and has been assigned to an engagement related to accounts payable processes for which he was previously responsible Which of the following is the best action for the new internal auditor to take?


If it is an assurance engagement, accept the assignment because direct knowledge of the existing accounts payable processes will provide depth and add more value


If it is a consulting engagement, decline the assignment and ask to be reassigned, because in a consulting engagement the auditor must not assess operations for areas in which they were previously responsible.


if it is a consulting engagement, accept the assignment because direct knowledge of the existing accounts payable processes will provide depth and add more value


If it is an assurance engagement, accept the assignment because the chief audit executive hadknowledge of the internal auditor's previous role when this engagement was assigned.

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Question # 45

According to IIA guidance, which of the following most appropriately justifies the CEO’s decision that the internal audit activity shall be responsible for risk management and Investigation at multinational organization?


The recommendation of the parent office external auditors.


The provisions of the internal audit charter.


The authority of the CEO.


The level of proficiency of the chief audit executive

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