The Class D multicast address range is from 224. 0. 0. 0 to 238. 255. 255. 255。
(Single choice) The following statement about defense MAC Spoofing is wrong
(Multiple choice) Which of the following measures can be adopted by GPON in terms of traffic control
Type B protection provides redundant protection for both OLT PON ports and backbone fibers when OLT or OLT PON If the port or trunk fiber fails, manually switch to another – luguang.
(Radio) A power access service deploys GPON Type C dual attribution protection, and the protection group is fixed with the upstream Ethernet port status on the OLT, and when the Ethernet port status associated with the protection group on the OLT becomes down, the following description is incorrect.
The auto-discovery methods provided by sight are by network segment mode, ARP mode and routing mode. At the same time, you can create a network segment or IP address of a device that does not need to be connected as an exclusion list. Automatically skips the network segment or IP address configured in the exclusion list during self-discovery of devices.