An ArcGlS user adds an ESRl World Imagery service from ArcGlS Online to an empty Arc Map document.
The user then adds a polygon feature class representing national parks to the map.
The spatial reference of the national parks feature class is:
• Datum North American Datum 1927
• Linear units meters
• Protection Albers equal area
The user intends to digitize new national park boundaries using the features in the imagery.
What should the user avoid doing in the edit session?
In the Feature Class to Feature Class tool which parameter allows an ArcGlS user to manipulate attributes to be included the output feature class table?
An ArcGis user is making a small-scale map using road data that was collected at a large scale. What is the appropriate tool for removing some of the road detail?
A local government geodatabase use case requires that airport noise regulation areas be deleted if a corresponding airport point Is deleted.
Assuming that one airport can contribute to only one noise regulation area, what is the appropriate way to model the requirement of this use case?
AnArcGIS user is tasked with editing a layer containing a large number of features, using another layer thatis in a different coordinate a system as reference. The user adds the layers in ArcMap and starts an editsession. A warning message about editing data in a different coordinate system is displayed.
What is the most efficient way to edit the data to avoid potential distortion in the data?
A raster dataset called rasterl.tif contains many pixels with values of NoData.
Which map algebra expression changes NoData values to 0 (zero) in the output raster dataset while leaving all other pixel values the same?
When designing a geometric network where should the feature classes be stored?
An ArcGIS user has a project that requires using an image with a spatial accuracy of 5 meters Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) or better.
How should users verify the spatial accuracy of the image?
In the value for the latitude of origin in a projection tile is modified, making the value less negative (e.g. from -45 to -28). Which way does the data move?
Which purpose does synchronization serve in a multiuser editing environment?