A non sampling error relates to the sample properly reflecting the true characteristics of the population.
Which two elements are the major causes of documentation problems? (Choose any Two)
Within an organization, a service-level agreement is most effective when it is an ongoing negotiation and improvement process.
Leadership evaluations are based upon the appropriateness, effectiveness and extent of the executives' and of the company's involvement in relation to the size and type of business.
In the IT workbench, quality, and performance of the work are the responsibility of the QA department.
Human resources utilization category examines the company's efforts to develop and involve ___________________.
You should always listen attentively to your customer and never ask them to further explain what they mean.
The National Quality Awards provide a basis for successful benchmarking against other companies.
To reduce the cost of removing defects, inspections should be emphasized, together with any other cost-effective techniques. The role of functional system testing should then be changed to one of gathering quality data on the programs.
Measurement of function points cannot be used for comparing two different kinds of systems.
With a little experience, management can soon see that process optimization can produce major quality and productivity benefits.
Many types of errors can be identified and fixed far more economically by design and code inspections than by testing