Pencil grips, graph paper, mind mapping software, and highlighting pens are ALL examples of assistive devices that can aid students with which type of disability?
Which model defines disability by a person's inability to participate in work and the financial consequences for the individual, employer, and the state?
Color Contrast (Minimum) is associated to which Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 principle?
Assuming that people have access to the Internet, which is a social factor in building a business case for web accessibility?
A Web site designed for optimal use considers what factor that is NOT directly related to disability?
A reference that is used to provide a comprehensive online resource for all stakeholders implementing the digital accessibility agenda of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) is the
A large organization is developing a single intake process for new hires with disabilities. Which plan is BEST suited to implement the process?
The types of European ICT accessibility legislation which are applicable within the entire EU are
When purchasing third-party software, a business will BEST mitigate the risk of buying inaccessible software by
Difficulty with navigating, sensitivity to noise and visual stimuli, impaired ability to screen out background noise and/or movement, and sensations of overload are all psychomotor perceptions mostly associated to which type of disability?
When making accessibility accommodations or adjustments for a person using a wheelchair within a workstation, what component of his/her wheelchair use is recommended to be addressed first?