What field must an agent complete when resolving an incident in order for the HAM asset tasks to automatically update all configuration item (CI) and asset records associated to the Incident?
When selected on the model category form, what feature prevents the automatic creation of an asset?
When viewing the Model Management tab of the Hardware Asset dashboard, you see that several models are reported as Match Not Found. What are potential causes of this? (Choose three.)
Under which condition does the Now Platform NOT create an asset automatically?
What information would you find on the End of Life tab of the Hardware Asset dashboard? (Choose two.)
Hardware models may not be fully normalized until updated content is downloaded from the Hardware Model Normalization Content Service. How do you determine if the content has been downloaded?
Which plugins for asset management functionality are inactive by default? (Choose three.)
Why may users request loaner assets even when the requested asset is not available in the local stockroom?
What role is required to use the Hardware Model Normalization Overview dashboard?
When working in conjunction with a Field Service Management (FSM) change task, what feature removes the need to manually update the asset record associated to the task?
Which of the following are considered original costs as opposed to operational expenses? (Choose three.)
When creating a stock rule that replenishes from a vender, what is primary requirement for the warehouse stockroom? (Choose two.)
A component is considered a configuration item (CI) as opposed to an IT asset when you want to:
What is the primary goal of the Inventory tab of the Hardware Asset Management dashboard?
What plugin offers consistent, good, clean data for the company names of vendors or manufactures?
What is the impact of a customer opting out of the ServiceNow Content Service for specific models?
Normalization status is the level of normalization match based on what characteristics? (Choose three.)
Which mobile app can users leverage to create assets, perform inventory audits, and receive assets?
What are the baseline asset lifecycle automation flows provided by the Hardware Asset Management (HAM) plugin? (Choose three.)
What original costs are involved in purchasing an asset and putting it into use? (Choose three.)
Since trustworthy data is key to good asset management practices, where would you look to determine the number of days until next Content Service download will occur?
For a model to be fully normalized, what must be added to the model record?
What core table requires migration when extending ITSM Asset Management with Hardware Asset Management?
Which three attributes from a hardware model record are used for setting the normalized display name during hardware model normalization?
When running an asset audit, you receive the result of 10 "Scanned and expected" assets. What does this mean?
To perform hardware model normalization, which three fields from the hardware model record are used to set the normalized display name?
What are some examples of operational expenses of managing an asset throughout its lifecycle? (Choose two.)
What is the name of the scheduled job that generates expense lines based on rate cards?
What feature does the Hardware Asset Management (HAM) application use to fully normalize hardware models?
What happens to the associated assets when you cancel a transfer order line on a transfer order?
What is the global standard for product recognition used during hardware model normalization?
What information would you find on the Procurement tab of the Hardware Asset dashboard? (Choose two.)
What functionality enables you to automatically create asset records from information provided by your vendor while your assets are still in transit?