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CIPP-E Certified Information Privacy Professional/Europe (CIPP/E) Question and Answers

Question # 4

Which aspect of the GDPR will likely have the most impact on the consistent implementation of data protection

laws throughout the European Union?


That it essentially functions as a one-stop shop mechanism


That it takes the form of a Regulation as opposed to a Directive


That it makes notification of large-scale data breaches mandatory


That it makes appointment of a data protection officer mandatory

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Question # 5

Under which of the following conditions does the General Data Protection Regulation NOT apply to the processing of personal data?


When the personal data is processed only in non-electronic form


When the personal data is collected and then pseudonymised by the controller


When the personal data is held by the controller but not processed for further purposes


When the personal data is processed by an individual only for their household activities

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Question # 6


Please use the following to answer the next question:

Liem, an online retailer known for its environmentally friendly shoes, has recently expanded its presence in Europe. Anxious to achieve market dominance, Liem teamed up with another eco friendly company, EcoMick, which sells accessories like belts and bags. Together the companies drew up a series of marketing campaigns designed to highlight the environmental and economic benefits of their products. After months of planning, Liem and EcoMick entered into a data sharing agreement to use the same marketing database, MarketIQ, to send the campaigns to their respective contacts.

Liem and EcoMick also entered into a data processing agreement with MarketIQ, the terms of which included processing personal data only upon Liem and EcoMick’s instructions, and making available to them all information necessary to demonstrate compliance with GDPR obligations.

Liem and EcoMick then procured the services of a company called JaphSoft, a marketing optimization firm that uses machine learning to help companies run successful campaigns. Clients provide JaphSoft with the personal data of individuals they would like to be targeted in each campaign. To ensure protection of its

clients’ data, JaphSoft implements the technical and organizational measures it deems appropriate. JaphSoft works to continually improve its machine learning models by analyzing the data it receives from its clients to determine the most successful components of a successful campaign. JaphSoft then uses such models in providing services to its client-base. Since the models improve only over a period of time as more information

is collected, JaphSoft does not have a deletion process for the data it receives from clients. However, to ensure compliance with data privacy rules, JaphSoft pseudonymizes the personal data by removing identifying

information from the contact information. JaphSoft’s engineers, however, maintain all contact information in the same database as the identifying information.

Under its agreement with Liem and EcoMick, JaphSoft received access to MarketIQ, which included contact information as well as prior purchase history for such contacts, to create campaigns that would result in the most views of the two companies’ websites. A prior Liem customer, Ms. Iman, received a marketing campaign from JaphSoft regarding Liem’s as well as EcoMick’s latest products. While Ms. Iman recalls checking a box to receive information in the future regarding Liem’s products, she has never shopped EcoMick, nor provided her personal data to that company.

For what reason would JaphSoft be considered a controller under the GDPR?


It determines how long to retain the personal data collected.


It has been provided access to personal data in the MarketIQ database.


It uses personal data to improve its products and services for its client-base through machine learning.


It makes decisions regarding the technical and organizational measures necessary to protect the personal data.

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Question # 7

A multinational company is appointing a mandatory data protection officer. In addition to considering the rules set out in Article 37 (1) of the GDPR, which of the following actions must the company also undertake to ensure compliance in all EU jurisdictions in which it operates?


Consult national derogations to evaluate if there are additional cases to be considered in relation to the matter.


Conduct a Data Protection Privacy Assessment on the processing operations of the company in all the countries it operates.


Assess whether the company has more than 250 employees in each of the EU member-states in which it is established.


Revise the data processing activities of the company that affect more than one jurisdiction to evaluate whether they comply with the principles of privacy by design and by default.

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Question # 8

Which kind of privacy notice, originally advocated by the Article 29 Working Party, is commonly recommended tor Al-based technologies because of the way it provides processing information at specific points of data collection?


Privacy dashboard notice


Visualization notice.


Just-in-lime notice.


Layered notice.

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Question # 9


Please use the following to answer the next question:

Dynaroux Fashion (‘Dynaroux’) is a successful international online clothing retailer that employs approximately 650 people at its headquarters based in Dublin, Ireland. Ronan is their recently appointed data protection officer, who oversees the company’s compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other privacy legislation.

The company offers both male and female clothing lines across all age demographics, including children. In doing so, the company processes large amounts of information about such customers, including preferences and sensitive financial information such as credit card and bank account numbers.

In an aggressive bid to build revenue growth, Jonas, the CEO, tells Ronan that the company is launching a new mobile app and loyalty scheme that puts significant emphasis on profiling the company’s customers by analyzing their purchases. Ronan tells the CEO that: (a) the potential risks of such activities means that

Dynaroux needs to carry out a data protection impact assessment to assess this new venture and its privacy implications; and (b) where the results of this assessment indicate a high risk in the absence of appropriate protection measures, Dynaroux may have to undertake a prior consultation with the Irish Data Protection Commissioner before implementing the app and loyalty scheme.

Jonas tells Ronan that he is not happy about the prospect of having to directly engage with a supervisory authority and having to disclose details of Dynaroux’s business plan and associated processing activities.

Which of the following facts about Dynaroux would trigger a data protection impact assessment under the GDPR?


The company will be undertaking processing activities involving sensitive data categories such as financial and children’s data.


The company employs approximately 650 people and will therefore be carrying out extensive processing activities.


The company plans to undertake profiling of its customers through analysis of their purchasing patterns.


The company intends to shift their business model to rely more heavily on online shopping.

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Question # 10


Please use the following to answer the next question:

ProStorage is a multinational cloud storage provider headquartered in the Netherlands. Its CEO. Ruth Brown, has developed a two-pronged strategy for growth: 1) expand ProStorage s global customer base and 2) increase ProStorage's sales force by efficiently onboarding effective teams. Enacting this strategy has recently been complicated by Ruth's health condition, which has limited her working hours, as well as her ability to travel to meet potential customers. ProStorage's Human Resources department and Ruth's Chief of Staff now work together to manage her schedule and ensure that she is able to make all her medical appointments The latter has become especially crucial after Ruth's last trip to India, where she suffered a medical emergency and was hospitalized m New Delhi Unable to reach Ruths family, the hospital reached out to ProStorage and was able to connect with her Chief of Staff, who in coordination with Mary, the head of HR. provided information to the doctors based on accommodate on requests Ruth made when she started a: ProStorage

In support of Ruth's strategic goals of hiring more sales representatives, the Human

Resources team is focused on improving its processes to ensure that new

employees are sourced, interviewed, hired, and onboarded efficiently. To help with

this, Mary identified two vendors, HRYourWay, a German based company, and

InstaHR, an Australian based company. She decided to have both vendors go

through ProStorage's vendor risk review process so she can work with Ruth to

make the final decision. As part of the review process, Jackie, who is responsible

for maintaining ProStorage's privacy program (including maintaining controller

BCRs and conducting vendor risk assessments), reviewed both vendors but

completed a transfer impact assessment only for InstaHR. After her review of both

vendors, she determined that InstaHR satisfied more of the requirements as it

boasted a more established privacy program and provided third-party attestations,

whereas HRYourWay was a small vendor with minimal data protection operations.

Thus, she recommended InstaHR.

ProStorage's marketing team also worked to meet the strategic goals of the

company by focusing on industries where it needed to grow its market share. To

help with this, the team selected as a partner UpFinance, a US based company

with deep connections to financial industry customers. During ProStorage's

diligence process, Jackie from the privacy team noted in the transfer impact

assessment that UpFinance implements several data protection measures

including end-to-end encryption, with encryption keys held by the customer.

Notably, UpFinance has not received any government requests in its 7 years of

business. Still, Jackie recommended that the contract require UpFinance to notify

ProStorage if it receives a government request for personal data UpFinance

processes on its behalf prior to disclosing such data.

Why is the additional measure recommended by Jackie sufficient foe using UpFinance?


UpFinance is an established 7-year-old business.


UpFinance is in a highly regulated financial industry


UpFinance is based in a country without surveillance laws.


UpFinance implements sufficient data protection measures

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Question # 11

Since blockchain transactions are classified as pseudonymous, are they considered to be within the material scope of the GDPR, or outside of it?


Outside the material scope of the GDPR, because transactions do not include personal data about data subjects in the European Union.


Outside the material scope of the GDPR, because transactions are for personal or household purposes.


Within the material scope of the GDPR to the extent that transactions include data subjects in the European Union.


Within the material scope of the GDPR but outside of the territorial scope, because blockchains are decentralized.

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Question # 12

A company would like to implement CCTV monitoring in its offices for safety and security purposes. Which of the following would be the best legal basis for the company to rely upon?


Public interest.


Individual consent


Legitimate interest.


Exercise of pubic authority.

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Question # 13

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding the "one-stop-shop" mechanism of the GDPR?


It can result in several lead supervisory authorities in the EU assuming competence over the same data processing activities of an organization.


It applies only to direct enforcement of data protection supervisory authorities (e.g.. finding a breach), but not to initiating or engaging m court proceedings


It gives competence to the lead supervisory authority to address privacy issues derived from processes carried out by public authorities established in different countries.


It allows supervisory authorities concerned (other than the lead supervisory authority) to act against organizations m exceptional cases even if they do not have any type of establishment in the Member State of the respective authority.

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Question # 14

In which situation would a data controller most likely be able to justify the processing of the data of a child without parental consent?


When the data is to be processed for market research.


When providing preventive or counselling services to the child.


When providing the child with materials purely for educational use.


When a legitimate business interest makes obtaining consent impractical.

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Question # 15

A mobile device application that uses cookies will be subject to the consent requirement of which of the



The ePrivacy Directive


The E-Commerce Directive


The Data Retention Directive


The EU Cybersecurity Directive

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Question # 16

What is true of both the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Council of Europe Convention 108?


Both govern international transfers of personal data


Both govern the manual processing of personal data


Both only apply to European Union countries


Both require notification of processing activities to a supervisory authority

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Question # 17


Please use the following to answer the next question:

Why was Jackie correct in not completing a transfer impact assessment for HRYourWay?


HRYourWay was ultimately not selected


HRYourWay is not located in a third country.


ProStorage will obtain consent for all transfers.


ProStorage can rely on its Binding Corporate Rules

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Question # 18


Please use the following to answer the next question:

Javier is a member of the fitness club EVERFIT. This company has branches in many EU member states, but for the purposes of the GDPR maintains its primary establishment in France. Javier lives in Newry, Northern Ireland (part of the U.K.), and commutes across the border to work in Dundalk, Ireland. Two years ago while on a business trip, Javier was photographed while working out at a branch of EVERFIT in Frankfurt, Germany. At the time, Javier gave his consent to being included in the photograph, since he was told that it would be used for promotional purposes only. Since then, the photograph has been used in the club’s U.K. brochures, and it features in the landing page of its U.K. website. However, the fitness club has recently fallen into disrepute due to widespread mistreatment of members at various branches of the club in several EU member states. As a result, Javier no longer feels comfortable with his photograph being publicly associated with the fitness club.

After numerous failed attempts to book an appointment with the manager of the local branch to discuss this matter, Javier sends a letter to EVETFIT requesting that his image be removed from the website and all promotional materials. Months pass and Javier, having received no acknowledgment of his request, becomes very anxious about this matter. After repeatedly failing to contact EVETFIT through alternate channels, he decides to take action against the company.

Javier contacts the U.K. Information Commissioner’s Office (‘ICO’ – the U.K.’s supervisory authority) to lodge a complaint about this matter. The ICO, pursuant to Article 56 (3) of the GDPR, informs the CNIL (i.e. the supervisory authority of EVERFIT’s main establishment) about this matter. Despite the fact that EVERFIT has an establishment in the U.K., the CNIL decides to handle the case in accordance with Article 60 of the GDPR. The CNIL liaises with the ICO, as relevant under the cooperation procedure. In light of issues amongst the supervisory authorities to reach a decision, the European Data Protection Board becomes involved and, pursuant to the consistency mechanism, issues a binding decision.

Additionally, Javier sues EVERFIT for the damages caused as a result of its failure to honor his request to have his photograph removed from the brochure and website.

Under the cooperation mechanism, what should the lead authority (the CNIL) do after it has formed its view on the matter?


Submit a draft decision to other supervisory authorities for their opinion.


Request that the other supervisory authorities provide the lead authority with a draft decision for its consideration.


Submit a draft decision directly to the Commission to ensure the effectiveness of the consistency mechanism.


Request that members of the seconding supervisory authority and the host supervisory authority co-draft a decision.

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Question # 19

Under Article 30 of the GDPR, controllers are required to keep records of all of the following EXCEPT?


Incidents of personal data breaches, whether disclosed or not.


Data inventory or data mapping exercises that have been conducted.


Categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been disclosed.


Retention periods for erasure and deletion of categories of personal data.

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Question # 20

When would a data subject NOT be able to exercise the right to portability?


When the processing is necessary to perform a task in the exercise of authority vested in the controller.


When the processing is carried out pursuant to a contract with the data subject.


When the data was supplied to the controller by the data subject.


When the processing is based on consent.

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Question # 21

MagicClean is a web-based service located in the United States that matches home cleaning services to customers. It otters its services exclusively in the United States It uses a processor located in France to optimize its data. Is MagicClean subject to the GDPR?


Yes, because MagicClean is processing data in the EU


Yes. because MagicClean's data processing agreement with the French processor is an establishment in the EU


No, because MagicClean is located m the United States only.


No. because MagicClean is not offering services to EU data subjects.

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Question # 22

According to the EDPB Guidelines 01/2021 on Examples regarding Personal Data Breach Notification, if exfiltration of job application data (submitted through online application forms and stored on a webserver) resulted in personal information being accessible to unauthorized persons, this would be primarily considered what kind of breach?


An integrity breach.


An accuracy breach.


An availability breach.


A confidentiality breach.

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Question # 23

According to the GDPR, when should the processing of photographs be considered processing of special categories of personal data?


When processed with the intent to publish information regarding a natural person on publicly accessible media.


When processed with the intent to proceed to scientific or historical research projects.


When processed with the intent to uniquely identify or authenticate a natural person.


When processed with the intent to comply with a law.

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Question # 24


Please use the following to answer the next question:

Joe started the Gummy Bear Company in 2000 from his home in Vermont, USA. Today, it is a multi-billion-dollar candy company operating in every continent. All of the company’s IT servers are located in Vermont. This year Joe hires his son Ben to join the company and head up Project Big, which is a major marketing strategy to triple gross revenue in just 5 years. Ben graduated with a PhD in computer software from a top university. Ben decided to join his father’s company, but is also secretly working on launching a new global online dating website company called Ben Knows Best.

Ben is aware that the Gummy Bear Company has millions of customers and believes that many of them might also be interested in finding their perfect match. For Project Big, Ben redesigns the company’s online web portal and requires customers in the European Union and elsewhere to provide additional personal information in order to remain a customer. Project Ben begins collecting data about customers’ philosophical beliefs, political opinions and marital status.

If a customer identifies as single, Ben then copies all of that customer’s personal data onto a separate database for Ben Knows Best. Ben believes that he is not doing anything wrong, because he explicitly asks each customer to give their consent by requiring them to check a box before accepting their information. As Project Big is an important project, the company also hires a first year college student named Sam, who is studying computer science to help Ben out.

Ben calls out and Sam comes across the Ben Knows Best database. Sam is planning on going to Ireland over Spring Beak with 10 of his friends, so he copies all of the customer information of people that reside in Ireland so that he and his friends can contact people when they are in Ireland.

Joe also hires his best friend’s daughter, Alice, who just graduated from law school in the U.S., to be the company’s new General Counsel. Alice has heard about the GDPR, so she does some research on it. Alice approaches Joe and informs him that she has drafted up Binding Corporate Rules for everyone in the company to follow, as it is important for the company to have in place a legal mechanism to transfer data internally from the company’s operations in the European Union to the U.S.

Joe believes that Alice is doing a great job, and informs her that she will also be in-charge of handling a major lawsuit that has been brought against the company in federal court in the U.S. To prepare for the lawsuit, Alice instructs the company’s IT department to make copies of the computer hard drives from the entire global sales team, including the European Union, and send everything to her so that she can review everyone’s information. Alice believes that Joe will be happy that she did the first level review, as it will save the company a lot of money that would otherwise be paid to its outside law firm.

The data transfer mechanism that Alice drafted violates the GDPR because the company did not first get approval from?


The Court of Justice of the European Union.


The European Data Protection Board.


The Data Protection Authority.


The European Commission.

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Question # 25

A U.S.-based online shop uses sophisticated software to track the browsing behavior of its European customers and predict future purchases. It also shares this information with third parties. Under the GDPR, what is the online shop’s PRIMARY obligation while engaging in this kind of profiling?


It must solicit informed consent through a notice on its website


It must seek authorization from the European supervisory authorities


It must be able to demonstrate a prior business relationship with the customers


It must prove that it uses sufficient security safeguards to protect customer data

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Question # 26


Please use the following to answer the next question:

You have just been hired by a toy manufacturer based in Hong Kong. The company sells a broad range of dolls, action figures and plush toys that can be found internationally in a wide variety of retail stores. Although the manufacturer has no offices outside Hong Kong and in fact does not employ any staff outside Hong Kong, it has entered into a number of local distribution contracts. The toys produced by the company can be found in all popular toy stores throughout Europe, the United States and Asia. A large portion of the company’s revenue is due to international sales.

The company now wishes to launch a new range of connected toys, ones that can talk and interact with children. The CEO of the company is touting these toys as the next big thing, due to the increased possibilities offered: The figures can answer children’s Questions: on various subjects, such as mathematical calculations or the weather. Each figure is equipped with a microphone and speaker and can connect to any smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth. Any mobile device within a 10-meter radius can connect to the toys via Bluetooth as well. The figures can also be associated with other figures (from the same manufacturer) and interact with each other for an enhanced play experience.

When a child asks the toy a question, the request is sent to the cloud for analysis, and the answer is generated on cloud servers and sent back to the figure. The answer is given through the figure’s integrated

speakers, making it appear as though that the toy is actually responding to the child’s question. The packaging of the toy does not provide technical details on how this works, nor does it mention that this feature requires an internet connection. The necessary data processing for this has been outsourced to a data center located in South Africa. However, your company has not yet revised its consumer-facing privacy policy to indicate this.

In parallel, the company is planning to introduce a new range of game systems through which consumers can play the characters they acquire in the course of playing the game. The system will come bundled with a portal that includes a Near-Field Communications (NFC) reader. This device will read an RFID tag in the action figure, making the figure come to life onscreen. Each character has its own stock features and abilities, but it is also possible to earn additional ones by accomplishing game goals. The only information stored in the tag relates to the figures’ abilities. It is easy to switch characters during the game, and it is possible to bring the figure to locations outside of the home and have the character’s abilities remain intact.

Why is this company obligated to comply with the GDPR?


The company has offices in the EU.


The company employs staff in the EU.


The company’s data center is located in a country outside the EU.


The company’s products are marketed directly to EU customers.

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Question # 27

Which of the following elements does NOT need to be presented to a data subject in order to collect valid consent for the use of cookies?


A "Cookies Settings" button.


A "Reject All" cookies button.


A list of cookies that may be placed.


Information on the purpose of the cookies.

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Question # 28


Please use the following to answer the next question:

Brady is a computer programmer based in New Zealand who has been running his own business for two years. Brady’s business provides a low-cost suite of services to customers throughout the European Economic Area (EEA). The services are targeted towards new and aspiring small business owners. Brady’s company, called Brady Box, provides web page design services, a Social Networking Service (SNS) and consulting services that help people manage their own online stores.

Unfortunately, Brady has been receiving some complaints. A customer named Anna recently uploaded her plans for a new product onto Brady Box’s chat area, which is open to public viewing. Although she realized her mistake two weeks later and removed the document, Anna is holding Brady Box responsible for not noticing the error through regular monitoring of the website. Brady believes he should not be held liable.

Another customer, Felipe, was alarmed to discover that his personal information was transferred to a third- party contractor called Hermes Designs and worries that sensitive information regarding his business plans may be misused. Brady does not believe he violated European privacy rules. He provides a privacy notice to all of his customers explicitly stating that personal data may be transferred to specific third parties in fulfillment of a requested service. Felipe says he read the privacy notice but that it was long and complicated

Brady continues to insist that Felipe has no need to be concerned, as he can personally vouch for the integrity of Hermes Designs. In fact, Hermes Designs has taken the initiative to create sample customized banner advertisements for customers like Felipe. Brady is happy to provide a link to the example banner ads, now posted on the Hermes Designs webpage. Hermes Designs plans on following up with direct marketing to these customers.

Brady was surprised when another customer, Serge, expressed his dismay that a quotation by him is being used within a graphic collage on Brady Box’s home webpage. The quotation is attributed to Serge by first and last name. Brady, however, was not worried about any sort of litigation. He wrote back to Serge to let him know that he found the quotation within Brady Box’s Social Networking Service (SNS), as Serge himself had posted the quotation. In his response, Brady did offer to remove the quotation as a courtesy.

Despite some customer complaints, Brady’s business is flourishing. He even supplements his income through online behavioral advertising (OBA) via a third-party ad network with whom he has set clearly defined roles. Brady is pleased that, although some customers are not explicitly aware of the OBA, the advertisements contain useful products and services.

Based on the scenario, what is the main reason that Brady should be concerned with Hermes Designs’ handling of customer personal data?


The data is sensitive.


The data is uncategorized.


The data is being used for a new purpose.


The data is being processed via a new means.

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Question # 29

Tanya is the Data Protection Officer for Curtains Inc., a GDPR data controller. She has recommended that the company encrypt all personal data at rest. Which GDPR principle is she following?




Storage Limitation


Integrity and confidentiality


Lawfulness, fairness and transparency

Full Access
Question # 30

The GDPR requires controllers to supply data subjects with detailed information about the processing of their data. Where a controller obtains data directly from data subjects, which of the following items of information does NOT legally have to be supplied?


The recipients or categories of recipients.


The categories of personal data concerned.


The rights of access, erasure, restriction, and portability.


The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

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Question # 31

If a multi-national company wanted to conduct background checks on all current and potential employees, including those based in Europe, what key provision would the company have to follow?


Background checks on employees could be performed only under prior notice to all employees.


Background checks are only authorized with prior notice and express consent from all employees including those based in Europe.


Background checks on European employees will stem from data protection and employment law, which can vary between member states.


Background checks may not be allowed on European employees, but the company can create lists based on its legitimate interests, identifying individuals who are ineligible for employment.

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Question # 32

What is a reason the European Court of Justice declared the Data Retention Directive invalid in 2014?


The requirements affected individuals without exception.


The requirements were financially burdensome to EU businesses.


The requirements specified that data must be held within the EU.


The requirements had limitations on how national authorities could use data.

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Question # 33

What should a controller do after a data subject opts out of a direct marketing activity?


Without exception, securely delete all personal data relating to the data subject.


Without undue delay, provide information to the data subject on the action that will be taken.


Refrain from processing personal data relating to the data subject for the relevant type of communication.


Take reasonable steps to inform third-party recipients that the data subject’s personal data should be deleted and no longer processed.

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Question # 34

What is true if an employee makes an access request to his employer for any personal data held about him?


The employer can automatically decline the request if it contains personal data about a third person.


The employer can decline the request if the information is only held electronically.


The employer must supply all the information held about the employee.


The employer must supply any information held about an employee unless an exemption applies.

Full Access
Question # 35


Please use the following to answer the next question:

Due to rapidly expanding workforce, Company A has decided to outsource its payroll function to Company B. Company B is an established payroll service provider with a sizable client base and a solid reputation in the industry.

Company B’s payroll solution for Company A relies on the collection of time and attendance data obtained via a biometric entry system installed in each of Company A’s factories. Company B won’t hold any biometric data itself, but the related data will be uploaded to Company B’s UK servers and used to provide the payroll service. Company B’s live systems will contain the following information for each of Company A’s employees:



    Date of Birth

    Payroll number

    National Insurance number

    Sick pay entitlement

    Maternity/paternity pay entitlement

    Holiday entitlement

    Pension and benefits contributions

    Trade union contributions

Jenny is the compliance officer at Company A. She first considers whether Company A needs to carry out a data protection impact assessment in relation to the new time and attendance system, but isn’t sure whether or not this is required.

Jenny does know, however, that under the GDPR there must be a formal written agreement requiring Company B to use the time and attendance data only for the purpose of providing the payroll service, and to apply appropriate technical and organizational security measures for safeguarding the data. Jenny suggests that Company B obtain advice from its data protection officer. The company doesn’t have a DPO but agrees, in the interest of finalizing the contract, to sign up for the provisions in full. Company A enters into the contract.

Weeks later, while still under contract with Company A, Company B embarks upon a separate project meant to enhance the functionality of its payroll service, and engages Company C to help. Company C agrees to extract all personal data from Company B’s live systems in order to create a new database for Company B.

This database will be stored in a test environment hosted on Company C’s U.S. server. The two companies agree not to include any data processing provisions in their services agreement, as data is only being used for IT testing purposes.

Unfortunately, Company C’s U.S. server is only protected by an outdated IT security system, and suffers a cyber security incident soon after Company C begins work on the project. As a result, data relating to Company A’s employees is visible to anyone visiting Company C’s website. Company A is unaware of this until Jenny receives a letter from the supervisory authority in connection with the investigation that ensues. As soon as Jenny is made aware of the breach, she notifies all affected employees.

The GDPR requires sufficient guarantees of a company’s ability to implement adequate technical and organizational measures. What would be the most realistic way that Company B could have fulfilled this requirement?


Hiring companies whose measures are consistent with recommendations of accrediting bodies.


Requesting advice and technical support from Company A’s IT team.


Avoiding the use of another company’s data to improve their own services.


Vetting companies’ measures with the appropriate supervisory authority.

Full Access
Question # 36


Please use the following to answer the next question:

Financially, it has been a very good year at ARRA Hotels: Their 21 hotels, located in

Greece (5), Italy (15) and Spain (1), have registered their most profitable results

ever. To celebrate this achievement, ARRA Hotels' Human Resources office, based

in ARRA's main Italian establishment, has organized a team event for its 420

employees and their families at its hotel in Spain.

Upon arrival at the hotel, each employee and family member is given an electronic

wristband at the reception desk. The wristband serves a number of functions:

. Allows access to the "party zone" of the hotel, and emits a buzz if the user

approaches any unauthorized areas

. Allows up to three free drinks for each person of legal age, and emits a

buzz once this limit has been reached

. Grants a unique ID number for participating in the games and contests that

have been planned.

Along with the wristband, each guest receives a QR code that leads to the online

privacy notice describing the use of the wristband. The page also contains an

unchecked consent checkbox. In the case of employee family members under the

age of 16, consent must be given by a parent.

Among the various activities planned for the event, ARRA Hotels' HR office has

autonomously set up a photocall area, separate from the main event venue, where

employees can come and have their pictures taken in traditional carnival costume.

The photos will be posted on ARRA Hotels' main website for general marketing


On the night of the event, an employee from one of ARRA's Greek hotels is

displeased with the results of the photos in which he appears. He intends to file a

complaint with the relevant supervisory authority in regard to the following:

. The lack of any privacy notice in the separate photocall area

The unlawful cross-border processing of his personal data

. The unacceptable aesthetic outcome of his photos

Which of the following principles has likely been violated in the processing of the

photocall photos containing personal data?








Data minimization.

Full Access
Question # 37

Which change was introduced by the 2009 amendments to the e-Privacy Directive 2002/58/EC?


A voluntary notification for personal data breaches applicable to all data controllers.


A voluntary notification for personal data breaches applicable to electronic communication providers.


A mandatory notification for personal data breaches applicable to all data controllers.


A mandatory notification for personal data breaches applicable to electronic communication providers.

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Question # 38

An entity’s website stores text files on EU users’ computer and mobile device browsers. Prior to doing so, the entity is required to provide users with notices containing information and consent under which of the following frameworks?


General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679.


E-Privacy Directive 2002/58/EC.


E-Commerce Directive 2000/31/EC.


Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC.

Full Access
Question # 39

Under Article 80(1) of the GDPR, individuals can elect to be represented by not-for-profit organizations in a privacy group litigation or class action. These organizations are commonly known as?


Law firm organizations.


Civil society organizations.


Human rights organizations.


Constitutional rights organizations.

Full Access
Question # 40


Please use the following to answer the next question:

Zandelay Fashion (‘Zandelay’) is a successful international online clothing retailer that employs approximately 650 people at its headquarters based in Dublin, Ireland. Martin is their recently appointed data protection officer, who oversees the company’s compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other privacy legislation.

The company offers both male and female clothing lines across all age demographics, including children. In doing so, the company processes large amounts of information about such customers, including preferences and sensitive financial information such as credit card and bank account numbers.

In an aggressive bid to build revenue growth, Jerry, the CEO, tells Martin that the company is launching a new mobile app and loyalty scheme that puts significant emphasis on profiling the company’s customers by analyzing their purchases. Martin tells the CEO that: (a) the potential risks of such activities means that Zandelay needs to carry out a data protection impact assessment to assess this new venture and its privacy implications; and (b) where the results of this assessment indicate a high risk in the absence of appropriate protection measures. Zandelay may have to undertake a prior consultation with the Irish Data Protection Commissioner before implementing the app and loyalty scheme.

Jerry tells Martin that he is not happy about the prospect of having to directly engage with a supervisory authority and having to disclose details of Zandelay’s business plan and associated processing activities.

What must Zandelay provide to the supervisory authority during the prior consultation?


An evaluation of the complexity of the intended processing.


An explanation of the purposes and means of the intended processing.


Records showing that customers have explicitly consented to the intended profiling activities.


Certificates that prove Martin’s professional qualities and expert knowledge of data protection law.

Full Access
Question # 41

In the event of a data breach, which type of information are data controllers NOT required to provide to either the supervisory authorities or the data subjects?


The predicted consequences of the breach.


The measures being taken to address the breach.


The type of security safeguards used to protect the data.


The contact details of the appropriate data protection officer.

Full Access
Question # 42

Since blockchain transactions are classified as pseudonymous, are they considered to be within the material scope of the GDPR or outside of it?


Outside the material scope of the GDPR, because transactions do not include personal data about data subjects m the European Union.


Within the material scope of the GDPR but outside of the territorial scope, because blockchains are decentralized.


Within the material scope of the GDPR to the extent that transactions include data subjects in the European Union.


Outside the material scope of the GDPR, because transactions are for personal or household purposes

Full Access
Question # 43


Louis, a long-time customer of Bedrock Insurance, was involved in a minor car accident a few months ago. Although no one was hurt, Louis has been plagued by texts and calls from a company called Accidentable offering to help him recover compensation for personal injury. Louis has heard about insurance companies selling customers’ data to third parties, and he’s convinced that Accidentable must have gotten his information from Bedrock Insurance.

Louis has also been receiving an increased amount of marketing information from Bedrock, trying to sell him their full range of their insurance policies.

Perturbed by this, Louis has started looking at price comparison sites on the internet and has been shocked to find that other insurers offer much cheaper rates than Bedrock, even though he has been a loyal customer for many years. When his Bedrock policy comes up for renewal, he decides to switch to Zantrum Insurance.

In order to activate his new insurance policy, Louis needs to supply Zantrum with information about his No Claims bonus, his vehicle and his driving history. After researching his rights under the GDPR, he writes to ask Bedrock to transfer his information directly to Zantrum. He also takes this opportunity to ask Bedrock to stop using his personal data for marketing purposes.

Bedrock supplies Louis with a PDF and XML (Extensible Markup Language) versions of his No Claims Certificate, but tells Louis it cannot transfer his data directly to Zantrum as this is not technically feasible. Bedrock also explains that Louis’s contract included a provision whereby Louis agreed that his data could be used for marketing purposes; according to Bedrock, it is too late for Louis to change his mind about this. It angers Louis when he recalls the wording of the contract, which was filled with legal jargon and very confusing.

In the meantime, Louis is still receiving unwanted calls from Accidentable Insurance. He writes to Accidentable to ask for the name of the organization that supplied his details to them. He warns Accidentable that he plans to complain to the data protection authority, because he thinks their company has been using his data unlawfully. His letter states that he does not want his data being used by them in any way.

Accidentable’s response letter confirms Louis’s suspicions. Accidentable is Bedrock Insurance’s wholly owned subsidiary, and they received information about Louis’s accident from Bedrock shortly after Louis submitted his accident claim. Accidentable assures Louis that there has been no breach of the GDPR, as Louis’s contract included, a provision in which he agreed to share his information with Bedrock’s affiliates for business purposes.

Louis is disgusted by the way in which he has been treated by Bedrock, and writes to them insisting that all his information be erased from their computer system.

Based on the GDPR’s position on the use of personal data for direct marketing purposes, which of the following is true about Louis’s rights as a data subject?


Louis does not have the right to object to the use of his data because he previously consented to it.


Louis has the right to object at any time to the use of his data and Bedrock must honor his request to cease use.


Louis has the right to object to the use of his data, unless his data is required by Bedrock for the purpose

of exercising a legal claim.


Louis does not have the right to object to the use of his data if Bedrock can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing.

Full Access
Question # 44

The EDPB's Guidelines 8/2020 on the targeting of social media users stipulates that in order to rely on legitimate interest as a legal basis to process personal data, three tests must be passed. Which of the following is NOT one of the three tests?


Purpose test.


Necessity test.


Balancing test.


Adequacy test.

Full Access
Question # 45


Please use the following to answer the next question:

Gentle Hedgehog Inc. is a privately owned website design agency incorporated in

Italy. The company has numerous remote workers in different EU countries. Recently,

the management of Gentle Hedgehog noticed a decrease in productivity of their sales

team, especially among remote workers. As a result, the company plans to implement

a robust but privacy-friendly remote surveillance system to prevent absenteeism,

reward top performers, and ensure the best quality of customer service when sales

people are interacting with customers.

Gentle Hedgehog eventually hires Sauron Eye Inc., a Chinese vendor of employee

surveillance software whose European headquarters is in Germany. Sauron Eye's

software provides powerful remote-monitoring capabilities, including 24/7 access to

computer cameras and microphones, screen captures, emails, website history, and

keystrokes. Any device can be remotely monitored from a central server that is

securely installed at Gentle Hedgehog headquarters. The monitoring is invisible by

default; however, a so-called Transparent Mode, which regularly and conspicuously

notifies all users about the monitoring and its precise scope, also exists. Additionally,

the monitored employees are required to use a built-in verification technology

involving facial recognition each time they log in.

All monitoring data, including the facial recognition data, is securely stored in

Microsoft Azure cloud servers operated by Sauron Eye, which are physically located

in France.

Based on the scenario, what are the primary privacy risks of the planned

surveillance system?


A Chinese vendor and the monitoring of EU-based employees.


Facial recognition data stored in the cloud and lack of encryption.


Excessive scope of monitoring and lack of legitimate purpose for data collection.


Missing E2EE encryption in the monitoring system and unclear data storage duration.

Full Access
Question # 46


Please use the following to answer the next question:

BHealthy, a company based in Italy, is ready to launch a new line of natural products, with a focus on sunscreen. The last step prior to product launch is for BHealthy to conduct research to decide how extensively to market its new line of sunscreens across Europe. To do so, BHealthy teamed up with Natural Insight, a company specializing in determining pricing for natural products. BHealthy decided to share its existing customer information – name, location, and prior purchase history – with Natural Insight. Natural Insight intends to use this information to train its algorithm to help determine the price point at which BHealthy can sell its new sunscreens.

Prior to sharing its customer list, BHealthy conducted a review of Natural Insight’s security practices and concluded that the company has sufficient security measures to protect the contact information. Additionally, BHealthy’s data processing contractual terms with Natural Insight require continued implementation of technical and organization measures. Also indicated in the contract are restrictions on use of the data provided by BHealthy for any purpose beyond provision of the services, which include use of the data for continued improvement of Natural Insight’s machine learning algorithms.

Under the GDPR, what are Natural Insight’s security obligations with respect to the customer information it received from BHealthy?


Appropriate security that takes into account the industry practices for protecting customer contact information and purchase history.


Only the security measures assessed by BHealthy prior to entering into the data processing contract.


Absolute security since BHealthy is sharing personal data, including purchase history, with Natural Insight.


The level of security that a reasonable data subject whose data is processed would expect in relation to the data subject’s purchase history.

Full Access
Question # 47


Please use the following to answer the next question:

Jane Stan's her new role as a Data Protection Officer (DPO) at a Malta-based company that allows anyone to buy and sell cryptocurrencies via its online platform. The company stores and processes the personal data of its customers in a dedicated data center located m Malta |EU).

People wishing to trade cryptocurrencies are required to open an online account on the platform. They then must successfully pass a KYC due diligence procedure aimed at preventing money laundering and ensuring compliance with applicable financial regulations.

The non-European customers are also required to waive all their GDPR rights by reading a disclaimer written in bold and belong a checkbox on a separate page in order to get their account approved on the platform.

The customers must likewise accept the terms of service of the platform. The terms of service also include a privacy policy section, saying, among other things, that if a

What is potentially wrong with the backup system operated in the AWS cloud?


The AWS servers are located in the EU but in a country different than the location of the corporate headquarters.


It is unlawful to process any personal data in a cloud unless the cloud is certified as GOPR-compliant by a competent supervisory authority.


The data storage period has to be revised, and a data processing agreement w*h AWS must be signed


AWS is a U S company, and no personal data of European residents may be transferred to it without explicit written consent from data subjects.

Full Access
Question # 48

Which of the following is NOT a role of works councils?


Determining the monetary fines to be levied against employers for data breach violations of employee data.


Determining whether to approve or reject certain decisions of the employer that affect employees.


Determining whether employees’ personal data can be processed or not.


Determining what changes will affect employee working conditions.

Full Access
Question # 49

The European Parliament jointly exercises legislative and budgetary functions with which of the following?


The European Commission.


The Article 29 Working Party.


The Council of the European Union.


The European Data Protection Board.

Full Access
Question # 50


Please use the following to answer the next question:

Anna and Frank both work at Granchester University. Anna is a lawyer responsible for data protection, while Frank is a lecturer in the engineering department. The University maintains a number of types of records:

    Student records, including names, student numbers, home addresses, pre-university information, university attendance and performance records, details of special educational needs and financial information.

    Staff records, including autobiographical materials (such as curricula, professional contact files, student evaluations and other relevant teaching files).

    Alumni records, including birthplaces, years of birth, dates of matriculation and conferrals of degrees. These records are available to former students after registering through Granchester’s Alumni portal. Department for Education records, showing how certain demographic groups (such as first-generation students) could be expected, on average, to progress. These records do not contain names or identification numbers.

    Under their security policy, the University encrypts all of its personal data records in transit and at rest.

In order to improve his teaching, Frank wants to investigate how his engineering students perform in relational to Department for Education expectations. He has attended one of Anna’s data protection training courses and knows that he should use no more personal data than necessary to accomplish his goal. He creates a

program that will only export some student data: previous schools attended, grades originally obtained, grades currently obtained and first time university attended. He wants to keep the records at the individual student level. Mindful of Anna’s training, Frank runs the student numbers through an algorithm to transform them into different reference numbers. He uses the same algorithm on each occasion so that he can update each record over time.

One of Anna’s tasks is to complete the record of processing activities, as required by the GDPR. After receiving her email reminder, as required by the GDPR. After receiving her email reminder, Frank informs

Anna about his performance database.

Ann explains to Frank that, as well as minimizing personal data, the University has to check that this new use of existing data is permissible. She also suspects that, under the GDPR, a risk analysis may have to be carried out before the data processing can take place. Anna arranges to discuss this further with Frank after she has done some additional research.

Frank wants to be able to work on his analysis in his spare time, so he transfers it to his home laptop (which is not encrypted). Unfortunately, when Frank takes the laptop into the University he loses it on the train. Frank has to see Anna that day to discuss compatible processing. He knows that he needs to report security incidents, so he decides to tell Anna about his lost laptop at the same time.

Which of the University’s records does Anna NOT have to include in her record of processing activities?


Student records


Staff and alumni records


Frank’s performance database


Department for Education records

Full Access
Question # 51

A company wishes to transfer personal data to a country outside of the European Union/EEA In order to do so, they are planning an assessment of the country's laws and practices, knowing that these may impinge upon the transfer safeguards they intend to use

All of the following factors would be relevant for the company to consider EXCEPT'?


Any onward transfers, such as transfers of personal data to a sub-processor in the same or another third country.


The process of modernization in the third country concerned and their access to emerging technologies that rely on international transfers of personal data


The technical, financial, and staff resources available to an authority m the third country concerned that may access the personal data to be transferred


The contractual clauses between the data controller or processor established in the European Union/EEA and the recipient of the transfer established in the third country concerned

Full Access
Question # 52

Under the GDPR, which essential pieces of information must be provided to data subjects before collecting their personal data?


The authority by which the controller is collecting the data and the third parties to whom the data will be sent.


The name/s of relevant government agencies involved and the steps needed for revising the data.


The identity and contact details of the controller and the reasons the data is being collected.


The contact information of the controller and a description of the retention policy.

Full Access
Question # 53

According to the European Data Protection Board, controllers responding to a data subject access request can refuse to provide a copy of personal data under certain conditions. Which of the following is NOT one of these conditions?


If the data subject access request was sent to an employee that is not involved in the processing of such requests.


If there is such a large amount of data that the controller cannot identify the data subject of the request.


If the controller is unable to use end-to-end encrypted emails for responding to such requests.


If the personal data was processed in the past but is no longer at the controller's disposal at the time of the request.

Full Access
Question # 54


Please use the following to answer the next question:

ProStorage is a multinational cloud storage provider headquartered in the Netherlands. Its CEO. Ruth Brown, has developed a two-pronged strategy for growth: 1) expand ProStorage s global customer base and 2) increase ProStorage's sales force by efficiently onboarding effective teams. Enacting this strategy has recently been complicated by Ruth's health condition, which has limited her working hours, as well as her ability to travel to meet potential customers. ProStorage's Human Resources department and Ruth's Chief of Staff now work together to manage her schedule and ensure that she is able to make all her medical appointments The latter has become especially crucial after Ruth's last trip to India, where she suffered a medical emergency and was hospitalized m New Delhi Unable to reach Ruths family, the hospital reached out to ProStorage and was able to connect with her Chief of Staff, who in coordination with Mary, the head of HR. provided information to the doctors based on accommodate on requests Ruth made when she started a: ProStorage

In support of Ruth's strategic goals of hiring more sales representatives, the Human

Resources team is focused on improving its processes to ensure that new

employees are sourced, interviewed, hired, and onboarded efficiently. To help with

this, Mary identified two vendors, HRYourWay, a German based company, and

InstaHR, an Australian based company. She decided to have both vendors go

through ProStorage's vendor risk review process so she can work with Ruth to

make the final decision. As part of the review process, Jackie, who is responsible

for maintaining ProStorage's privacy program (including maintaining controller

BCRs and conducting vendor risk assessments), reviewed both vendors but

completed a transfer impact assessment only for InstaHR. After her review of both

vendors, she determined that InstaHR satisfied more of the requirements as it

boasted a more established privacy program and provided third-party attestations,

whereas HRYourWay was a small vendor with minimal data protection operations.

Thus, she recommended InstaHR.

ProStorage's marketing team also worked to meet the strategic goals of the

company by focusing on industries where it needed to grow its market share. To

help with this, the team selected as a partner UpFinance, a US based company

with deep connections to financial industry customers. During ProStorage's

diligence process, Jackie from the privacy team noted in the transfer impact

assessment that UpFinance implements several data protection measures

including end-to-end encryption, with encryption keys held by the customer.

Notably, UpFinance has not received any government requests in its 7 years of

business. Still, Jackie recommended that the contract require UpFinance to notify

ProStorage if it receives a government request for personal data UpFinance

processes on its behalf prior to disclosing such data.

What transfer mechanism did ProStorage most likely rely on to transfer Ruth's medical information to the hospital?


Ruth's implied consent.


Protecting the vital interest of Ruth


Performance of a contract with Ruth.


Protecting against legal liability from Ruth.

Full Access
Question # 55

According to the European Data Protection Board, which of the following concepts or practices does NOT follow from the principles relating to the processing of personal data under EU data protection law?


Data ownership allocation.


Access control management.


Frequent pseudonymization key rotation.


Error propagation avoidance along the processing chain.

Full Access
Question # 56


Please use the following to answer the next question:

Jane Stan's her new role as a Data Protection Officer (DPO) at a Malta-based company that allows anyone to buy and sell cryptocurrencies via its online platform. The company stores and processes the personal data of its customers in a dedicated data center located in Malta |EU).

People wishing to trade cryptocurrencies are required to open an online account on the platform. They then must successfully pass a KYC due diligence procedure aimed at preventing money laundering and ensuring compliance with applicable financial regulations.

The non-European customers are also required to waive all their GDPR rights by reading a disclaimer written in bold and belong a checkbox on a separate page in order to get their account approved on the platform.

The customers must likewise accept the terms of service of the platform. The terms of service also include a privacy policy section, saying, among other things, that if a

Which of the following must be a component of the anti-money-laundering data-sharing practice of the platform?


The terms of service shall also enumerate all applicable anti-money laundering few.


Customers shall have an opt-out feature to restrict data sharing with law enforcement agencies after the registration.


The terms of service shall include the address of the anti-money laundering agency and contacts of the investigators who may access me data.


Customers snail receive a clear and conspicuous notice about such data sharing before submitting their data during the registration process.

Full Access
Question # 57

In which of the following cases, cited as an example by a WP29 guidance, would conducting a single data protection impact assessment to address multiple processing operations be allowed?


A medical organization that wants to begin genetic testing to support earlier research for which they have performed a DPIA.


A data controller who plans to use a new technology product that has already undergone a DPIA by the product’s provider.


A marketing team that wants to collect mailing addresses of customers for whom they already have email addresses.


A railway operator who plans to evaluate the same video surveillance in all the train stations of his company.

Full Access
Question # 58

Select the answer below that accurately completes the following:

“The right to compensation and liability under the GDPR…


…provides for an exemption from liability if the data controller (or data processor) proves that it is not in any way responsible for the event giving rise to the damage.”


…precludes any subsequent recourse proceedings against other controllers or processors involved in the same processing.”


...can only be exercised against the data controller, even if a data processor was involved in the same processing.”


…is limited to a maximum amount of EUR 20 million per event of damage or loss.”

Full Access
Question # 59

With the issue of consent, the GDPR allows member states some choice regarding what?


The mechanisms through which consent may be communicated


The circumstances in which silence or inactivity may constitute consent


The age at which children must be required to obtain parental consent


The timeframe in which data subjects are allowed to withdraw their consent

Full Access
Question # 60

An organization receives a request multiple times from a data subject seeking to exercise his rights with respect to his own personal data. Under what condition can the organization charge the data subject a fee for processing the request?


Only where the organization can show that it is reasonable to do so because more than one request was made.


Only to the extent this is allowed under the restrictions on data subjects’ rights introduced under Art 23 of GDPR.


Only where the administrative costs of taking the action requested exceeds a certain threshold.


Only if the organization can demonstrate that the request is clearly excessive or misguided.

Full Access
Question # 61

ISO 31700 has set forth requirements relating to consumer products and services. In particular, this international standard focuses on the implementation of which of the following?


Privacy by design.


Comprehensive ethical Al software.


Privacy notices for companies providing services to consumers.


Automated systems for identifying EU data subjects' personal data.

Full Access
Question # 62


Please use the following to answer the next question:

ProStorage is a multinational cloud storage provider headquartered in the Netherlands. Its CEO. Ruth Brown, has developed a two-pronged strategy for growth: 1) expand ProStorage s global customer base and 2) increase ProStorage's sales force by efficiently onboarding effective teams. Enacting this strategy has recently been complicated by Ruth's health condition, which has limited her working hours, as well as her ability to travel to meet potential customers. ProStorage's Human Resources department and Ruth's Chief of Staff now work together to manage her schedule and ensure that she is able to make all her medical appointments The latter has become especially crucial after Ruth's last trip to India, where she suffered a medical emergency and was hospitalized m New Delhi Unable to reach Ruths family, the hospital reached out to ProStorage and was able to connect with her Chief of Staff, who in coordination with Mary, the head of HR. provided information to the doctors based on accommodate on requests Ruth made when she started a: ProStorage

In support of Ruth's strategic goals of hiring more sales representatives, the Human

Resources team is focused on improving its processes to ensure that new

employees are sourced, interviewed, hired, and onboarded efficiently. To help with

this, Mary identified two vendors, HRYourWay, a German based company, and

InstaHR, an Australian based company. She decided to have both vendors go

through ProStorage's vendor risk review process so she can work with Ruth to

make the final decision. As part of the review process, Jackie, who is responsible

for maintaining ProStorage's privacy program (including maintaining controller

BCRs and conducting vendor risk assessments), reviewed both vendors but

completed a transfer impact assessment only for InstaHR. After her review of both

vendors, she determined that InstaHR satisfied more of the requirements as it

boasted a more established privacy program and provided third-party attestations,

whereas HRYourWay was a small vendor with minimal data protection operations.

Thus, she recommended InstaHR.

ProStorage's marketing team also worked to meet the strategic goals of the

company by focusing on industries where it needed to grow its market share. To

help with this, the team selected as a partner UpFinance, a US based company

with deep connections to financial industry customers. During ProStorage's

diligence process, Jackie from the privacy team noted in the transfer impact

assessment that UpFinance implements several data protection measures

including end-to-end encryption, with encryption keys held by the customer.

Notably, UpFinance has not received any government requests in its 7 years of

business. Still, Jackie recommended that the contract require UpFinance to notify

ProStorage if it receives a government request for personal data UpFinance

processes on its behalf prior to disclosing such data.

What transfer mechanism did ProStorage most likely rely on to transfer Ruth's

medical information to the hospital?


Ruth's implied consent.


Protecting the vital interest of Ruth.


Performance of a contract with Ruth.


Protecting against legal liability from Ruth.

Full Access
Question # 63

After leaving the EU under the terms of Brexit, the United Kingdom will seek an adequacy determination. What is the reason for this?


The Insurance Commissioner determined that an adequacy determination is required by the Data Protection Act.


Adequacy determinations automatically lapse when a Member State leaves the EU.


The UK is now a third country because it’s no longer subject to the GDPR.


The UK is less trustworthy now that its not part of the Union.

Full Access
Question # 64

A German data subject was the victim of an embarrassing prank 20 years ago. A newspaper website published an article about the prank at the time, and the article is still available on the newspaper’s website. Unfortunately, the prank is the top search result when a user searches on the victim’s name. The data subject requests that SearchCo delist this result. SearchCo agrees, and instructs its technology team to avoid scanning or indexing the article. What else must SearchCo do?


Notify the newspaper that its article it is delisting the article.


Fully erase the URL to the content, as opposed to delist which is mainly based on data subject’s name.


Identify other controllers who are processing the same information and inform them of the delisting request.


Prevent the article from being listed in search results no matter what search terms are entered into the search engine.

Full Access
Question # 65


Please use the following to answer the next question:

Gentle Hedgehog Inc. is a privately owned website design agency incorporated in

Italy. The company has numerous remote workers in different EU countries. Recently,

the management of Gentle Hedgehog noticed a decrease in productivity of their sales

team, especially among remote workers. As a result, the company plans to implement

a robust but privacy-friendly remote surveillance system to prevent absenteeism,

reward top performers, and ensure the best quality of customer service when sales

people are interacting with customers.

Gentle Hedgehog eventually hires Sauron Eye Inc., a Chinese vendor of employee

surveillance software whose European headquarters is in Germany. Sauron Eye's

software provides powerful remote-monitoring capabilities, including 24/7 access to

computer cameras and microphones, screen captures, emails, website history, and

keystrokes. Any device can be remotely monitored from a central server that is

securely installed at Gentle Hedgehog headquarters. The monitoring is invisible by

default; however, a so-called Transparent Mode, which regularly and conspicuously

notifies all users about the monitoring and its precise scope, also exists. Additionally,

the monitored employees are required to use a built-in verification technology

involving facial recognition each time they log in.

All monitoring data, including the facial recognition data, is securely stored in Microsoft Azure cloud servers operated by Sauron Eye, which are physically located in France.

Under what condition could the surveillance system be used on the personal devices

of employees?


Only if the monitoring system is manufactured by a European vendor storing the monitoring data within the EU.


Only if the employees give valid consent and the monitoring is narrowly limited to their professional tasks.


Only if the cloud that stores the monitoring data is certified by the EDPB as GDPR compliant.


Only if the employer offers an adequate compensation for using the employee's devices.

Full Access
Question # 66

When may browser settings be relied upon for the lawful application of cookies?


When a user rejects cookies that are strictly necessary.


When users are aware of the ability to adjust their settings.


When users are provided with information about which cookies have been set.


When it is impossible to bypass the choices made by users in their browser settings.

Full Access
Question # 67


Please use the following to answer the next question:

ABC Hotel Chain and XYZ Travel Agency are U.S.-based multinational companies. They use an internet-based common platform for collecting and sharing their customer data with each other, in order to integrate their marketing efforts. Additionally, they agree on the data to be stored, how reservations will be booked and confirmed, and who has access to the stored data.

Mike, an EU resident, has booked travel itineraries in the past through XYZ Travel Agency to stay at ABC Hotel Chain’s locations. XYZ Travel Agency offers a rewards program that allows customers to sign up to accumulate points that can later be redeemed for free travel. Mike has signed the agreement to be a rewards program member.

Now Mike wants to know what personal information the company holds about him. He sends an email requesting access to his data, in order to exercise what he believes are his data subject rights.

What are ABC Hotel Chain and XYZ Travel Agency’s roles in this relationship?


ABC Hotel Chain is the controller and XYZ Travel Agency is the processor.


XYZ Travel Agency is the controller and ABC Hotel Chain is the processor.


ABC Hotel Chain and XYZ Travel Agency are independent controllers.


ABC Hotel Chain and XYZ Travel Agency are joint controllers.

Full Access
Question # 68

Which of the following is NOT considered a fair processing practice in relation to the transparency principle?


Providing a multi-layered privacy notice, in a website environment.


Providing a QR code linking to more detailed privacy notice, in a CCTV sign.


Providing a hyperlink to the organization’s home page, in a hard copy application form.


Providing a “just-in-time” contextual pop-up privacy notice, in an online application from field.

Full Access
Question # 69

According to Article 84 of the GDPR, the rules on penalties applicable to infringements shall be laid down by?


The local Data Protection Supervisory Authorities.


The European Data Protection Board.


The EU Commission.


The Member States.

Full Access
Question # 70

Which sentence BEST summarizes the concepts of “fairness,” “lawfulness” and “transparency”, as expressly required by Article 5 of the GDPR?


Fairness and transparency refer to the communication of key information before collecting data; lawfulness refers to compliance with government regulations.


Fairness refers to limiting the amount of data collected from individuals; lawfulness refers to the approval of company guidelines by the state; transparency solely relates to communication of key information before collecting data.


Fairness refers to the security of personal data; lawfulness and transparency refers to the analysis of ordinances to ensure they are uniformly enforced.


Fairness refers to the collection of data from diverse subjects; lawfulness refers to the need for legal rules to be uniform; transparency refers to giving individuals access to their data.

Full Access
Question # 71

Start-up company MagicAI is developing an AI system that will be part of a medical device that detects skin cancer. To take measures against potential bias in its AI system, the IT Team decides to collect data about users' ethnic origin, nationality, and gender.

Which would be the most appropriate legal basis for this processing under the GDPR, Article 9 (Processing of special categories of personal data)?


Processing necessary for scientific or statistical purposes.


Processing necessary for reasons of substantial public interest.


Processing necessary for purposes of preventive or occupational medicine.


Processing necessary for the defense of legal claims in potential negligence cases.

Full Access
Question # 72

To comply with the GDPR and the EU Court of Justice's decision in Schrems II, the European Commission issued what are commonly referred to as the new standard contractual clauses (SCCs). As a result, businesses must do all of the following EXCEPT?


Consider the new optional docking clause, which expressly permits adding new parties to the SCCs.


Migrate all contracts entered into before September 27, 2021, that use the old SCCs to the new SCCs by December 27, 2022.


Take steps to flow down the new SCCs to relevant parts of their supply chain using the new SCCs as of September 27, 2021, if the business is a data importer.


Implement the new SCCs in the U.K. following Brexit, as the U.K. Information Commissioner's Office does not have the authority to publish its own set of SCCs.

Full Access
Question # 73

Which sentence best describes proper compliance for an international organization using Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs) as a controller or processor?


Employees must sign an ad hoc contractual agreement each time personal data is exported.


All employees are subject to the rules in their entirety, regardless of where the work is taking place.


All employees must follow the privacy regulations of the jurisdictions where the current scope of their work is established.


Employees who control personal data must complete a rigorous certification procedure, as they are exempt from legal enforcement.

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Question # 74

Under the GDPR, where personal data is not obtained directly from the data subject, a controller is exempt from directly providing information about processing to the data subject if?


The data subject already has information regarding how his data will be used


The provision of such information to the data subject would be too problematic


Third-party data would be disclosed by providing such information to the data subject


The processing of the data subject’s data is protected by appropriate technical measures

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Question # 75

Which of the following Convention 108+ principles, as amended in 2018, is NOT consistent with a principle found in the GDPR?


The obligation of companies to declare data breaches.


The requirement to demonstrate compliance to a supervisory authority.


The necessity of the bulk collection of personal data by the government.

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Question # 76

According to the European Data Protection Board, data subjects should be aware of any video surveillance in operation. How should a retail shop operator ensure that data subjects receive at information required for such a purpose under EU data protection law?


The shop operator should post a copy of the manual of the video surveillance system in the shop and on its social media channels.


The shop operator should provide full notice of the intended video surveillance outside the shop, for example with a sign or a stand-up display.


The shop operator should instruct the data protection officer to hand out a comprehensive notice to data subjects every time they enter the shop.


The shop operator should provide the most important information on a clearly readable warning sign to data subjects before they enter the monitored area, and additional mandatory details by other means.

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Question # 77

What permissions are required for a marketer to send an email marketing message to a consumer in the EU?


A prior opt-in consent for consumers unless they are already customers.


A pre-checked box stating that the consumer agrees to receive email marketing.


A notice that the consumer’s email address will be used for marketing purposes.


No prior permission required, but an opt-out requirement on all emails sent to consumers.

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Question # 78

If a company is planning to use closed-circuit television (CCTV) on its premises and is concerned with GDPR compliance, it should first do all of the following EXCEPT?


Notify the appropriate data protection authority.


Perform a data protection impact assessment (DPIA).


Create an information retention policy for those who operate the system.


Ensure that safeguards are in place to prevent unauthorized access to the footage.

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Question # 79

Pursuant to Article 17 and EDPB Guidelines S'2019 on RTBF criteria in search engines cases, all of the following would be valid grounds for data subject delisting requests EXCEPT?


The personal dale has been collected in relation to the offer of Information society services (ISS) to a child.


The data subject withdraws consent and there is no other legal basis for the processing.


The personal data is no longer necessary in relation to the search engine provider's processing


The processing s necessary for exercising the right of freedom of expression and information

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Question # 80


Please use the following to answer the next question:

Jack worked as a Pharmacovigiliance Operations Specialist in the Irish office of a multinational pharmaceutical company on a clinical trial related to COVID-19. As part of his onboarding process Jack received privacy training He was explicitly informed that while he would need to process confidential patient data in the course of his work, he may under no circumstances use this data for anything other than the performance of work-related (asks This was also specified in the privacy policy, which Jack signed upon conclusion of the training.

After several months of employment, Jack got into an argument with a patient over the phone. Out of anger he later posted the patient's name and hearth information, along with disparaging comments, on a social media website. When this was discovered by his Pharmacovigilance supervisors. Jack was immediately dismissed

Jack's lawyer sent a letter to the company stating that dismissal was a disproportionate sanction, and that if Jack was not reinstated within 14 days his firm would have no alternative but to commence legal proceedings against the company. This letter was accompanied by a data access request from Jack requesting a copy of "all personal data, including internal emails that were sent/received by Jack or where Jack is directly or indirectly identifiable from the contents In relation to the emails Jack listed six members of the management team whose inboxes he required access.

The company conducted an initial search of its IT systems, which returned a large amount of information They then contacted Jack, requesting that he be more specific regarding what information he required, so that they could carry out a targeted search Jack responded by stating that he would not narrow the scope of the information requester.

Under Article 82 of the GDPR ("Right to compensation and liability-), which party is liable for the damage caused by the data breach?


Both parties are exempt, as the company is involved in human health research


Jack and the pharmaceutical company are jointly liable.


The pharmaceutical company is liable.


Jack is liable

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Question # 81


Please use the following to answer the next question:

Louis, a long-time customer of Bedrock Insurance, was involved in a minor car accident a few months ago. Although no one was hurt, Louis has been plagued by texts and calls from a company called Accidentable offering to help him recover compensation for personal injury. Louis has heard about insurance companies selling customers’ data to third parties, and he’s convinced that Accidentable must have gotten his information from Bedrock Insurance.

Louis has also been receiving an increased amount of marketing information from Bedrock, trying to sell him their full range of their insurance policies.

Perturbed by this, Louis has started looking at price comparison sites on the internet and has been shocked to find that other insurers offer much cheaper rates than Bedrock, even though he has been a loyal customer for many years. When his Bedrock policy comes up for renewal, he decides to switch to Zantrum Insurance.

In order to activate his new insurance policy, Louis needs to supply Zantrum with information about his No Claims bonus, his vehicle and his driving history. After researching his rights under the GDPR, he writes to ask Bedrock to transfer his information directly to Zantrum. He also takes this opportunity to ask Bedrock to stop using his personal data for marketing purposes.

Bedrock supplies Louis with a PDF and XML (Extensible Markup Language) versions of his No Claims Certificate, but tells Louis it cannot transfer his data directly to Zantrum as this is not technically feasible. Bedrock also explains that Louis’s contract included a provision whereby Louis agreed that his data could be used for marketing purposes; according to Bedrock, it is too late for Louis to change his mind about this. It angers Louis when he recalls the wording of the contract, which was filled with legal jargon and very confusing.

In the meantime, Louis is still receiving unwanted calls from Accidentable Insurance. He writes to Accidentable to ask for the name of the organization that supplied his details to them. He warns Accidentable that he plans to complain to the data protection authority, because he thinks their company has been using his data unlawfully. His letter states that he does not want his data being used by them in any way.

Accidentable’s response letter confirms Louis’s suspicions. Accidentable is Bedrock Insurance’s wholly owned subsidiary, and they received information about Louis’s accident from Bedrock shortly after Louis submitted his accident claim. Accidentable assures Louis that there has been no breach of the GDPR, as Louis’s contract included, a provision in which he agreed to share his information with Bedrock’s affiliates for business purposes.

Louis is disgusted by the way in which he has been treated by Bedrock, and writes to them insisting that all his information be erased from their computer system.

Which statement accurately summarizes Bedrock’s obligation in regard to Louis’s data portability request?


Bedrock does not have a duty to transfer Louis’s data to Zantrum if doing so is legitimately not technically feasible.


Bedrock does not have to transfer Louis’s data to Zantrum because the right to data portability does not apply where personal data are processed in order to carry out tasks in the public interest.


Bedrock has failed to comply with the duty to transfer Louis’s data to Zantrum because the duty applies wherever personal data are processed by automated means and necessary for the performance of a contract with the customer.


Bedrock has failed to comply with the duty to transfer Louis’s data to Zantrum because it has an obligation to develop commonly used, machine-readable and interoperable formats so that all customer data can be ported to other insurers on request.

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Question # 82

You are the new Data Protection Officer for your company and have to determine whether the company has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures as required by Article 32 of the GDPR. Which of the following would be the most important to consider when trying to determine this?


How security measures might evolve in the future


Which security measures are endorsed by a majority of experts.


How the public perceives what constitutes adequate security measures


Which kinds of security measures your company has employed in the past

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Question # 83

A company in France suffers a robbery over the weekend owing to a faulty alarm system. When it is determined that the break-in involves the loss of a substantial amount of data, the company decides on a CCTV system to monitor for future incidents. Company technicians install cameras in the entrance of the building, hallways and offices. Footage is recorded continuously, and is monitored by the home office in the United States. What is the most realistic step the company could take to address their security concerns and comply with the personal data processing principles set out in Article 5 of the GDPR?


Seek informed consent from company employees.


Have cameras recording during work hours only.


Retain captured footage for no more than 30 days.


Restrict camera placement to building entrances only.

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Question # 84


Please use the following to answer the next question:

TripBliss Inc. is a travel service company which has lost substantial revenue over the last few years. Their new manager, Oliver, suspects that this is partly due to the company’s outdated website. After doing some research, he meets with a sales representative from the up-and-coming IT company Techiva, hoping that they can design a new, cutting-edge website for TripBliss Inc.’s foundering business.

During negotiations, a Techiva representative describes a plan for gathering more customer information through detailed Questionaires, which could be used to tailor their preferences to specific travel destinations. TripBliss Inc. can choose any number of data categories – age, income, ethnicity – that would help them best accomplish their goals. Oliver loves this idea, but would also like to have some way of gauging how successful this approach is, especially since the Questionaires will require customers to provide explicit consent to having their data collected. The Techiva representative suggests that they also run a program to analyze the new website’s traffic, in order to get a better understanding of how customers are using it. He explains his plan

to place a number of cookies on customer devices. The cookies will allow the company to collect IP addresses and other information, such as the sites from which the customers came, how much time they spend on the TripBliss Inc. website, and which pages on the site they visit. All of this information will be compiled in log files, which Techiva will analyze by means of a special program. TripBliss Inc. would receive aggregate statistics to help them evaluate the website’s effectiveness. Oliver enthusiastically engages Techiva for these services.

Techiva assigns the analytics portion of the project to longtime account manager Leon Santos. As is standard practice, Leon is given administrator rights to TripBliss Inc.’s website, and can authorize access to the log files gathered from it. Unfortunately for TripBliss Inc., however, Leon is taking on this new project at a time when his dissatisfaction with Techiva is at a high point. In order to take revenge for what he feels has been unfair treatment at the hands of the company, Leon asks his friend Fred, a hobby hacker, for help. Together they come up with the following plan: Fred will hack into Techiva’s system and copy their log files onto a USB stick. Despite his initial intention to send the USB to the press and to the data protection authority in order to denounce Techiva, Leon experiences a crisis of conscience and ends up reconsidering his plan. He decides instead to securely wipe all the data from the USB stick and inform his manager that the company’s system of access control must be reconsidered.

With regard to TripBliss Inc.’s use of website cookies, which of the following statements is correct?


Because not all of the cookies are strictly necessary to enable the use of a service requested from TripBliss Inc., consent requirements apply to their use of cookies.


Because of the categories of data involved, explicit consent for the use of cookies must be obtained separately from customers.


Because Techiva will receive only aggregate statistics of data collected from the cookies, no additional consent is necessary.


Because the use of cookies involves the potential for location tracking, explicit consent must be obtained from customers.

Full Access
Question # 85


Please use the following to answer the next question:

T-Craze, a German-headquartered specialty t-shirt company, was successfully selling to large German metropolitan cities. However, after a recent merger with another German-based company that was selling to a broader European market, T-Craze revamped its marketing efforts to sell to a wider audience. These efforts included a complete redesign of its logo to reflect the recent merger, and improvements to its website meant to capture more information about visitors through the use of cookies.

T-Craze also opened various office locations throughout Europe to help expand its business. While Germany

Target, a renowned marketing firm based in the Philippines, to run its latest marketing campaign. After thorough research, Right Target determined that T-Craze is most successful with customers between the ages of 18 and 22. Thus, its first campaign targeted university students in several European capitals, which yielded nearly 40% new customers for T-Craze in one quarter. Right Target also ran subsequent campaigns for T- Craze, though with much less success.

The last two campaigns included a wider demographic group and resulted in countless unsubscribe requests, including a large number in Spain. In fact, the Spanish data protection authority received a complaint from Sofia, a mid-career investment banker. Sofia was upset after receiving a marketing communication even after unsubscribing from such communications from the Right Target on behalf of T-Craze.

What is the best option for the lead regulator when responding to the Spanish supervisory authority’s notice that it plans to take action regarding Sofia’s complaint?


Accept, because it did not receive any complaints.


Accept, because GDPR permits non-lead authorities to take action for such complaints.


Reject, because Right Target’s processing was conducted throughout Europe.


Reject, because GDPR does not allow other supervisory authorities to take action if there is a lead authority.

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Question # 86

A key component of the OECD Guidelines is the “Individual Participation Principle”. What parts of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provide the closest equivalent to that principle?


The lawful processing criteria stipulated by Articles 6 to 9


The information requirements set out in Articles 13 and 14


The breach notification requirements specified in Articles 33 and 34


The rights granted to data subjects under Articles 12 to 22

Full Access
Question # 87


Please use the following to answer the next question:

Joe started the Gummy Bear Company in 2000 from his home in Vermont, USA. Today, it is a multi-billion-dollar candy company operating in every continent. All of the company’s IT servers are located in Vermont. This year Joe hires his son Ben to join the company and head up Project Big, which is a major marketing strategy to triple gross revenue in just 5 years. Ben graduated with a PhD in computer software from a top university. Ben decided to join his father’s company, but is also secretly working on launching a new global online dating website company called Ben Knows Best.

Ben is aware that the Gummy Bear Company has millions of customers and believes that many of them might also be interested in finding their perfect match. For Project Big, Ben redesigns the company’s online web portal and requires customers in the European Union and elsewhere to provide additional personal information in order to remain a customer. Project Ben begins collecting data about customers’ philosophical beliefs, political opinions and marital status.

If a customer identifies as single, Ben then copies all of that customer’s personal data onto a separate database for Ben Knows Best. Ben believes that he is not doing anything wrong, because he explicitly asks each customer to give their consent by requiring them to check a box before accepting their information. As Project Big is an important project, the company also hires a first year college student named Sam, who is studying computer science to help Ben out.

Ben calls out and Sam comes across the Ben Knows Best database. Sam is planning on going to Ireland over Spring Beak with 10 of his friends, so he copies all of the customer information of people that reside in Ireland so that he and his friends can contact people when they are in Ireland.

Joe also hires his best friend’s daughter, Alice, who just graduated from law school in the U.S., to be the company’s new General Counsel. Alice has heard about the GDPR, so she does some research on it. Alice approaches Joe and informs him that she has drafted up Binding Corporate Rules for everyone in the company to follow, as it is important for the company to have in place a legal mechanism to transfer data internally from the company’s operations in the European Union to the U.S.

Joe believes that Alice is doing a great job, and informs her that she will also be in-charge of handling a major lawsuit that has been brought against the company in federal court in the U.S. To prepare for the lawsuit, Alice instructs the company’s IT department to make copies of the computer hard drives from the entire global sales team, including the European Union, and send everything to her so that she can review everyone’s information. Alice believes that Joe will be happy that she did the first level review, as it will save the company a lot of money that would otherwise be paid to its outside law firm.

As a result of Sam’s actions, the Gummy Bear Company potentially violated Articles 33 and 34 of the GDPR and will be required to do what?


Notify its Data Protection Authority about the data breach.


Analyze and evaluate the liability for customers in Ireland.


Analyze and evaluate all of its breach notification obligations.


Notify all of its customers that reside in the European Union.

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