When the asynchronous messages produced by one producer should go to more than one consumer, what tools we should use?
Which of the following options are correct, regarding global distribution? (Number of correct
answers: 3)
Score 2
What are the scenarios in managing multiple K8s Cluster in Hybrid & Multi Cloud Environment?
The success of deploying and scaling microservices is heavily dependent on the adoption of__________.
Customer could deploy ElasticSearch in various zones. Which of the following is not supported?
For worker nodes, which of the following statements are correct? (Number of correct answers: 3)
Score 2
Which of the following options are correct about Cloud-natvie Al solution?
Which of the following statements are correct regarding creating an Alibaba Cloud Container
Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster using Terraform? (Number of correct answers: 3)
Score 2
Which of the following statements are correct about Alibaba Cloud Container Registry (ACR)?
(Number of correct answers: 3)
Which types of instances are supported by Alibaba Serverless Kubernetes (ASK)? (Number of
correct answers: 3)
What information can be derived from APM traces in Elasticsearch? (The number of correct answer: 4)
For Storage migration, Alibaba Cloud provides both offline migration and online migration services.
Score 2
Which of the following options are detailed external metrics supported by Log Service (ingress)?
(Number of correct answers: 3)
For Storage migration, Alibaba Cloud provides both offline migration and online migration
Score 2
Which instance type can be autoscaled in resource scaling level by ACK Elasticity? (Number of correct answers: 5)
How do you calculate a Kubernetes cluster's consistent resource capacity?
Score 2
Which of the following are true, regarding Helm Charts? (Number of correct answers: 3)
Score 2
Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch is a Lucene-based, distributed, real-time search and analytics engine. It is an open-source product released under the Apache License.