MaxCompute is a fast and fully-managed TB/PB-level data warehousing solution provided by Alibaba
Cloud. Which of the following product features are correct? ______ (Number of correct answers: 3)
Score 2
Data Migration Unit (DMU) is used to measure the amount of resources consumed by data integration, including CPU, memory, and network. One DMU represents the minimum amount of
resources used for a data synchronization task.
Score 1
Your company stores user profile records in an OLTP databases. You want to join these records with
web server logs you have already ingested into the Hadoop file system. What is the best way to obtain
and ingest these user records?
Score 2
MaxCompute Tunnel provides high concurrency data upload and download services. User can use
the Tunnel service to upload or download the data to MaxCompute. Which of the following descriptions
about Tunnel is NOT correct:
Score 2
Which node type in DataWorks can edit the Python code to operate data in MaxCompute?
Score 2
When odpscmd is used to connect to a project in MaxCompute, the command ______ can be
executed to view the size of the space occupied by table table_a.
Score 2
The data development mode in DataWorks has been upgraded to the three-level structure
comprising of _____, _____, and ______. (Number of correct answers: 3)
Score 2
A Log table named log in MaxCompute is a partition table, and the partition key is dt. Anew partition is created daily to store the new data of that day. Now we have one
month's data, starting from dt='20180101' to dt='20180131', and we may use ________
to delete the data on 20180101.